Cockroaches are one of the most important pests in the world and we can find them in our homes and businesses (apartments, food handling establishments, hospitals, offices, etc.). The German cockroach takes advantage of the conditions associated with high-density human populations and impoverished living conditions.
In some areas of Europe and specifically Spain, the oriental cockroach is also present. Poor sanitation, structural deterioration, and clutter contribute to large populations of these cockroaches.
Outdoor cockroach species, such as the American or sewer cockroach, require specific pest control programs that focus on disturbing and eliminating their suitable habitats. The main focus is directed towards the exterior to prevent cockroaches from accessing structures.
eliminate cockroaches Alicante - fumigate floor cockroaches
Of the 3,500 to 4,000 species of cockroaches worldwide, only about 50 are considered pests of human structures and homes. Many of them are just occasional pests in our homes or unwanted intruders in our businesses and do not pose a serious threat. In fact, all of the major cockroach species that are pests in homes or businesses in Europe are invasive and have depended on human activity and trade to spread throughout the world. But, since they are transmitters of diseases and can ruin the image of your business, we have to combat them and we must eliminate cockroaches from your home or business.
Fuente (OMS - Public Health Significance of Urban Pests)
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The origin of the American cockroach is probably tropical African, where it lives both inside and outside of buildings and houses. Adult males and females can fly easily, especially in warm environments. The ability of the adult female to survive 90 days on water and without food, the deposition of oothecae, and prolonged periods of nymphal development probably contributed to its spread in maritime trade before the age of steamships. The American cockroach is widespread worldwide and is an important pest in warm areas such as the Mediterranean coast (Alicante, Valencia, Murcia).
In indoor areas, American cockroaches inhabit food preparation and storage areas, but they are not as common as German cockroaches. In buildings, they are found around pipes, downspouts and heating, always related to high temperatures and humidity. Outdoors, American cockroaches frequent palm trees and vegetation around structures and buildings. They are closely associated with cesspools, sewers and landfills, increasing the likelihood that they will transmit pathogens to humans. On the Mediterranean coast such as Alicante, Valencia and Murcia, it is very common to find them in sewage systems.
Se cree que su origen es de África, la cucaracha alemana probablemente se extendió desde un área en el este y sureste de Asia. Ahora es una plaga de cucarachas extendida en todo el mundo. Su expansión se ve favorecida con la globalización, transporte de mercancía y viajes de personas, el comercio y el entorno urbano. Uno de los principales factores que contribuyen a su rápida propagación e importancia como plaga de interiores en todo el mundo, es la llegada y el uso de los aparatos de calefacción y refrigeración en los edificios y de los electrodomésticos en las cocinas.
La cucaracha alemana es la principal plaga en los restaurantes y bares con fuentes de calor como neveras, congeladores y cámaras frigoríficas.
The eastern cockroach is probably native to North Africa, inhabiting climates that combine the heat of summer and moderate winter temperatures. Oriental cockroaches are a pest found throughout Europe. Their favorite hiding places are structures such as the cellar, boiler room and heating ducts.
Oriental cockroaches usually stay close to their shelters. Nymphs are more likely to initiate a search toward new shelters, depending on distance. Increasing temperature (29 and 38 ° C) and relative humidity between 48% and 70% decreases activity and increases the radius of movement.
La cucaracha de banda marrón es una plaga ocasional en interiores, especialmente en estructuras con calefacción tales como instalaciones de cría de animales (granjas), apartamentos y casas en las que las temperaturas son más altas de lo normal.
Little research has been done on this species, partly because it is infrequently found.
Preliminary estimate for identification of the type of cockroach, level of extent of the cockroach problem, type of facilities subject to treatment.
Treatment planning to eliminate the cockroach infestation. Cockroach treatment may involve the use of various techniques and treatments that best suit the elimination and control of the pest. Identification of the structural and hygienic measures to correct to prevent the appearance and new entry of cockroaches into the home or facilities.
We must verify that the treatment to eliminate cockroaches and control the pest has been successful. To do this, we will verify that all the structural and hygienic measures that we recommend correcting in the cockroach treatment phase have been corrected.
Contact us. We are experts in eliminating cockroaches.
More than 40 years of experience support us.
Fumigate floor with cockroaches. Effective and fast treatment.
Tratamiento para eliminar cucarachas en casa o piso en Alicante. Tratamientos contra cucarachas sin plazo de seguridad.