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pine processionary

Thaumetopoea pityocampa

La procesionaria del pino es una plaga común que afecta a los bosques de pinos en España. Estas orugas tienen una apariencia peculiar y son conocidas por su comportamiento en forma de procesión. En este artículo, exploraremos en detalle los peligros asociados con la procesionaria del pino, su presencia en España, los tratamientos profesionales disponibles y consejos para su prevención.

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Dangers or risks of the pine processionary

Human health risks

The pine processionary represents a risk to human health due to the following factors:

1. Direct contact: Contact with caterpillars or their stinging hairs can cause allergic reactions in people, including skin irritation, rashes, severe itching, and even respiratory distress in more severe cases.

2. Effects on pets: Pets can be seriously affected if they come into contact with caterpillars or ingest their hair. There may be irritation, inflammation of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing and even more serious problems.

Damage to trees and ecosystem

In addition to human health risks, pine processionary can cause significant damage to trees and the broader ecosystem. The caterpillars feed on the needles of pine trees, weakening them and favoring the appearance of diseases and the death of the trees.

Acículas Procesionaria del pino

Pine processionary in Spain

Distribution of the pine processionary in Spain

The pine processionary is present in almost all of Spain. The presence of the processionary varies depending on climatic conditions and the availability of pine trees as hosts. The provinces where it is found most abundantly are:

Central area: Madrid, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Guadalajara.

Eastern zone: Barcelona, Tarragona, Castellón, Valencia, Alicante.

Southern zone: Granada, Málaga, Cádiz, Seville, Córdoba, Jaén.

Zona norte: Navarra, La Rioja, Burgos, Soria, Álava, Cantabria, Asturias.

Provinces of Aragon: Huesca, Teruel, Zaragoza.

Life cycle and habits of the processionary

The pine processionary has a life cycle that includes different stages, from eggs to caterpillars and their subsequent transformation into butterflies. During their caterpillar phase, processionaries move in a procession in search of food and to find a suitable place to build their nests.

Do you have a pine processionary problem?

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Professional treatments to eliminate pine processionary

To control the pine processionary population, it is recommended to resort to professional treatments carried out by pest control experts. Some common methods include:


Endotherapy treatment

Specific products are injected directly into the trunk of the tree so that they are absorbed by the circulatory system and act against the caterpillars.


Treatment with biological products

Biological products are used, such as bacteria or viruses, which are harmless to other organisms but attack the pine processionary caterpillars.


Bag removal

The processionary nests are removed from the trees using safe and specialized methods to avoid the dispersal of the stinging hairs.


Traps or rings for the trunk

The objective is to catch the processionary caterpillars on their way down the tree. When they pass through the rings they become trapped.

Prevention and safety measures for the pine processionary

To prevent the presence of the pine processionary and minimize the risks, it is recommended to follow these tips:

    Regular monitoring: Perform regular inspections on the trees on your property and look for the presence of nests or processions of caterpillars. Information and education: Learn about the pine processionary and share this information with others to increase awareness of its risks and how to act. .

Frequently asked questions about the pine processionary

  • What is the season in which the pine processionary is most active?

    The pine processionary is most active during the winter and spring months, generally December through April.

  • How can I identify processionary nests in trees?

    Pine processionary nests are white, cottony structures that form in the branches of pine trees. They are usually easily recognized due to their distinctive bag-like appearance.

  • What should I do if I encounter a procession of caterpillars in a public area?

    If you encounter a procession of caterpillars in a public area, it is important to keep your distance and avoid direct contact. Notify the responsible authorities so they can take appropriate action.

  • Removing pine processionary nests yourself can be dangerous due to the caterpillars' stinging hairs. It is recommended to leave this task in the hands of trained pest control professionals.

  • How long does it take to eliminate a pine processionary infestation?

    The duration to eliminate a pine processionary infestation varies depending on the severity of the infestation and the methods used. In general, it may require several treatments and continued focus throughout the processionary's active seasons.

  • Can processionary caterpillars affect trees other than pines?

    While pine processionary gets its name from its preference for pine trees, it can also affect other trees in the Pinaceae family, such as spruce or cedar.

  • What is the best time to apply treatments against pine processionary?

    The best time to apply treatments against pine processionary depends on the region and local climatic conditions. Preventive treatments are generally recommended in fall or early winter, before caterpillars become active.

  • Can pets be treated to prevent contact with processionary?

    There are specific products for pets that can help prevent contact with the pine processionary. Consult your veterinarian for appropriate and safe recommendations for your pet.

  • What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction to processionary hairs?

    Symptoms of an allergic reaction to processionary hairs may include skin irritation, redness, severe itching, rashes, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing and systemic allergic reactions.

  • What should I do if my pet comes into contact with the pine processionary?

    If your pet comes into contact with pine processionary, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. The veterinarian will evaluate the situation and take the necessary measures to treat the symptoms and minimize the risks to your pet's health.

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