control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Pest Control in Companies and Industries

Hygienist | Pest Control and Environmental Health

Companies and Businesses Without Pests

The objective of comprehensive pest control in companies is based on a specific combination of control methods: Measures on structural and construction elements. Measures to optimize hygienic-sanitary and environmental conditions. Measures on the development of healthy behaviors and habits. Measures of direct control over the harmful species. Comprehensive pest control must contain Continuous Evaluation procedures, with the purpose of verifying that the plan is working efficiently.
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Treatments with biocides or chemicals to eliminate pests will be used only in those cases where it is not possible to keep them at bay. And always taking into account the type of area or establishment to be treated. An Integrated Pest Control Plan in your establishment entails a series of advantages: Through constant surveillance and control of the facilities it will be possible to detect the beginning of a pest in time. We reduce the possibility of pests becoming resistant. We reduce the danger to people, animals and the environment.

Pest problems in Companies and Industries

Are you aware of the risks that the presence of pests poses for your business or company? Can you identify the danger signs of a potential infestation? Do you know what steps you have to follow to remedy the problem? Higienisa carries out a specific control and monitoring program for the problems and types of different pests, adapting to your business, detecting them before they become a danger to your company. And most important of all, if there is even the slightest sign of the presence of pests, you will need our help. Higienisa, a company made up of pest control specialists, can help you. Remember, pests contaminate food, work surfaces, and equipment. They are dirty and carry germs that cause illness. Neither the Law nor your clients will tolerate the presence of pests in your business or company. The reputation of your business, which takes so many years to establish, can be destroyed overnight.
It's your business, your profession, your livelihood. Don't let pests destroy it.

Pest control in Companies, Businesses and Industries

1. Pest control services for businesses, stores, offices, museums, logistics and distribution, educational sector, etc.

Pests in hotels and restaurants cause serious problems because customers react very negatively to these undesirable "guests." The same thing happens in food stores and supermarkets, where pests (cockroaches, rodents, etc.) are constantly being attracted, both by the availability of food within their reach and by the continuous movement of goods between suppliers. An infestation of insects or rodents also find excellent living conditions in offices and commercial buildings: experience shows that they can find food even in supposedly clean offices when food or sweets are forgotten in the drawers or thrown in the trash can, for example. . Computers and electrical installations are favorite hiding places for insects (cockroaches) due to the heat they give off.

2. Pest control services for the Food Industry, including hospitality and restaurant establishments.

The food industry, or any establishment where food is produced, stored or processed, has to meet particularly high cleanliness standards. Food preparation in kitchens and catering establishments poses a special challenge: here, the presence of pests cannot be tolerated for reasons of food hygiene. Contamination of food through passive transmission of rodent or cockroach feces, for example, could have serious consequences for the health of customers. The concept of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) has been implemented in the food sector, introducing a series of hygiene guidelines at the national level. Through Integrated Pest Control programs, we guarantee that companies that produce, store or handle food eliminate all risk to the consumer. Through a series of appropriate measures we manage to minimize the risks. The greatest pest control demands are in food production areas, where we cannot apply chemical products. Therefore, only through a comprehensive approach will we be able to prevent the spread of pests. The use of chemical products should be as selective as possible and complemented with other control strategies: Structural and constructive measures. Hygienic-sanitary and environmental measures. Measures on healthy behavior and habits. For increased consumer safety, only refined and prospective control methods are permitted, including: Bait formulations that can be placed in target areas. Pheromone sticky traps.

3. Control de plagas en instalaciones públicas

Facilities and establishments that belong to the public administration are also infested with pests. These are usually places such as hospitals, nursing homes, kindergartens, schools, office buildings, swimming pools, etc. In sensitive facilities such as kindergartens and hospitals, special care must be taken. In accordance with comprehensive pest control standards, large-scale fumigation treatments in these areas are prohibited. Only exhaustive treatments and control measures should be applied here. Other public areas where we have to control pests are streets and public squares, as well as sewage systems in urban areas and garbage dumps (flies, cockroaches, rats, etc.)

Our Pest Control and Environmental Health Services for Companies and Businesses

Because pests are not a game, we propose the following services for any type of company and business. We work seriously and rigorously to offer the best solutions. Professional services based on their Efficiency and Guarantee.

Sectors to which our services are directed: Food Industry, Public Administration, Bars and Restaurants, Supermarkets, Shops and Businesses, Hotels, Schools, Colleges and Institutes, Offices, Museums, Nursing Homes, Clinics and Hospitals, Pharmacies, etc.


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