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Woodworms are xylophagous insects that feed on wood. These small insects have a life cycle that consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The larvae are responsible for damage to the wood, as they feed on it, drilling galleries and weakening its structure. As they grow, the larvae develop into adults and emerge from the wood, leaving characteristic holes. The presence of woodworms can cause significant damage to furniture, wooden structures and other objects. It is essential to identify and control woodworms effectively to avoid further problems.

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Types of Woodworms in Spain: Complete Guide for their Identification and Control

Woodworm, one of the most feared visitors to any home or wooden structure, not only compromises the aesthetics of furniture and structures, but also their integrity and value. In Spain, various species of these xylophagous insects have established their presence, each with particular characteristics and specific control measures necessary to combat them effectively. In this article, we offer a complete guide that will not only facilitate the identification of the different types of woodworms present in the country, but will also provide effective strategies for their elimination and eradication.

We will explore from the most common ones, such as the common woodworm and the large woodworm. Additionally, we will discuss preventative techniques and professional treatment options.

Tipos de carcomas en España

common woodworm

Anobium Punctatum

This woodworm is one of the most common species in Spain. It is characterized by its small size, approximately between 2 and 5 millimeters in length. Their larvae feed on dry wood and usually infest furniture, door and window frames, as well as wooden structures in general. Signs of infestation include the presence of small exit holes, sawdust or fine dust in the vicinity of the affected wood.

Adulto de carcoma común (Anobium punctatum)

Anobium Punctatum

    Family: AnobidaeLarva: white arched. From 5 to 7 mm.Adult: brown with striated elytra. From 2.5 to 5 mm.Duration of the life cycle: from 1 to 4 yearsGalleries: parallel to the grain and circular sectionSawdust: granularExit holes: circular from 1 to 2.5 mm.Attackable woods: sapwood of conifers and hardwoods. heartwood with rot
Adulto de carcoma polilla (Lyctus bruneus)

Lyctus brunneus

    Family: LyctidaeLarva: white arched. From 5 to 7 mm.Adult: brown with irregularly distributed pubescence. From 2.5 to 7 mm.Duration of the life cycle: from 6 to 12 monthsGalleries: parallel to the grain and circular in sectionSawdust: very fine and similar in touch to talcum powderExit holes: circular of 1 to 2 mm.Attackable woods : non-duraminized hardwood wood, with a certain starch content.

woodworm moth

Lyctus brunneus

Esta es otra especie de carcoma que se encuentra en España. A diferencia de otras carcomas, esta especie no necesita madera seca para infestar, ya que prefiere madera verde o recién cortada. Sus larvas se alimentan de los almidones presentes en la madera y pueden dañar seriamente las estructuras de madera en construcción o recién instaladas. Los agujeros de salida son más grandes y ovalados en comparación con otras carcomas.

large woodworm

Hylotrupes bajulus

The large woodworm is a larger species compared to other woodworms, reaching up to 25 millimeters in length. Their larvae are large and feed on soft wood, such as old furniture or aged wooden structures. This species can cause significant damage if not detected and controlled in time. The exit holes are usually "D" shaped and larger than those of other woodworms.

Carcoma grande (Hylotrupes bajulus)

Hylotrupes bajulus

    Family: CerambicidaeLarva: ivory white, cylindrical. From 20 to 25 mm.Adult: black or brown. Elytra with two bands of pubescence. From 10 to 20 mm. Life cycle duration: 5 to 10 years depending on temperature and humidity. Galleries: parallel to the fiber, striated and oval section. Sawdust: cylindrical. Exit holes: oval 8 to 10 mm .Attackable woods: coniferous sapwood

In addition to these three species, there are other woodworms present in Spain, such as tobacco woodworm (Lasioderma Serricorne) and book woodworm (Anobium Striatum), which can infest stored products, libraries and archives.

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Professional treatments to eliminate woodworms

There are different effective methods to eliminate woodworms. Some of them are briefly described below:

Tratamientos profesionales para eliminar las carcomas

chemical treatment

It consists of the application of insecticidal chemicals on the wood to eliminate woodworms. These products are usually designed specifically to combat different types of woodworms and are applied by spraying, injection or impregnation into the wood.

Freezing treatment

It consists of subjecting the wood to extremely low temperatures for a prolonged period of time. The intense cold kills woodworms and their larvae by freezing them.

Anoxia Treatment

In this method, an oxygen-free environment is created around the infested object or area to eliminate woodworms and their larvae. By removing oxygen, you deprive insects of the ability to breathe, leading to their death. It is particularly useful for objects of historical value, works of art, rare books and other delicate items where chemical treatments or heat could damage the material.

Heat treatment

This method uses heat to exterminate woodworms. Infested wood is exposed to elevated temperatures for a period of time to eliminate both woodworms and their larvae and eggs.

Gas chamber treatment

This method involves the use of toxic gases to eliminate woodworms and their larvae. It is carried out in a sealed chamber where gas is introduced, which penetrates the wood and eliminates the infestation. It is an effective treatment for severe and extensive infestations.

Tratamiento de microondas

Este método utiliza ondas electromagnéticas de alta frecuencia para calentar la madera infestada y eliminar las carcomas. Las microondas penetran en la madera, calentando las galerías donde se encuentran las larvas y los huevos, lo que los extermina.

It is important to note that these treatments must be carried out by professionals trained in pest control to ensure their effectiveness and minimize risks.

Tips to prevent the appearance of woodworms

To prevent the appearance of woodworms and protect the wood, it is recommended to follow these tips:

    Regularly inspect the wood for signs of woodworm, such as exit holes, sawdust, or insects. Keep humidity under control. Woodworms prefer moist environments, so it is important to ensure that there is no excessive moisture in wooden structures. Seal cracks and crevices in the wood to prevent woodworms from laying their eggs in them. Store and use treated wood products to avoid infestation.

Remedios caseros para controlar las carcomas

While home remedies can help control woodworms in mild cases, it is important to remember that professional treatments are more effective. Some popular home remedies include:

    Using essential oils, such as clove oil or eucalyptus oil, which can repel woodworms. Homemade traps using pieces of treated wood and special glue to trap adult woodworms.

Frequently asked questions about woodworms

  • Are woodworms dangerous to health?

    Woodworms do not represent a direct danger to human health. However, their presence can weaken wooden structures and cause significant property damage. Although indirectly yes, there are parasitic woodworm insects that cause annoying bites, as is the case with domestic Scleroderma.

  • Can woodworms affect other materials besides wood?

    Woodworms have a preference for wood, but in some cases they can infest other materials such as cardboard, paper and cork, especially if they are in direct contact with infested wood.

  • Is it possible to treat woodworms on your own with home remedies?

    While there are commercial products to treat woodworms at home, it is highly recommended to use professional pest control services for effective and long-lasting results.

  • What is the best time to carry out woodworm treatments?

    Woodworm treatments can be carried out at any time of the year. However, it is advisable to address the problem as soon as it is detected, regardless of the season.

  • How can I identify the presence of woodworm in antique furniture?

    Signs of woodworm in antique furniture include small exit holes, sawdust or fine dust near the wood, and the possible presence of adult insects.

  • Yes, woodworms can infest wooden structures under construction if adequate measures are not taken to protect the wood during the construction process, such as joist elements.

  • Can woodworms reproduce on varnished or painted wood?

    Woodworms prefer untreated wood, as the layer of varnish or paint acts as a protective barrier. However, if the protective layer is damaged or deteriorated, woodworms can infest the underlying wood.

  • How long does it take to eliminate a woodworm infestation?

    The time required to eliminate a woodworm infestation can vary depending on the severity of the problem, the type of treatment used, and the extent of the infestation. In general, continuous monitoring is required to ensure complete eradication.

  • Can woodworms come back after professional treatment?

    Es posible que las carcomas vuelvan a aparecer  después de un tratamiento profesional si no se abordan las causas subyacentes, como la humedad excesiva o la presencia de madera en mal estado. Es importante tomar medidas preventivas para evitar una nueva infestación.

  • Is it possible to prevent the appearance of woodworms in solid wood furniture?

    Yes, preventive measures can be taken to protect solid wood furniture from woodworms. These include maintaining good ventilation, avoiding excessive humidity, using wood protection products and carrying out regular inspections for any signs of infestation.

Remember that if you have more questions or need additional assistance, you can always contact pest control professionals specialized in woodworms, such as Higienisa. We will be happy to provide personalized advice and specialist services in the treatment and removal of woodworms.

Our treatments to eliminate woodworms

Fumigate furniture with woodworms

Fumigate furniture with woodworms. Chemical treatment if the furniture is not lacquered or varnished.

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Eliminate woodworm in beams

Treatment to fumigate woodworms in the beams using gel spray or chemical injections.

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Heat treatment to eliminate woodworms

Heat treatment to eliminate woodworms. Treatments against woodworms without a safety period.

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