control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Goodbye cockroaches

Say goodbye to cockroaches with our treatments to kill cockroaches

Treatments to kill and fumigate cockroaches at home

Cockroach fumigation service throughout the province of Alicante

La verdadera importancia de las cucarachas como vectores de enfermedades se conoce desde hace tiempo. Hoy sabemos que estos insectos transportan numerosos microorganismos y los transmiten a los humanos o a sus alimentos.

También son huéspedes intermedios de lombrices intestinales y pueden propagar muchas sustancias que nos causan alergias. No menos importante son las pérdidas económicas que nos pueden acarrear al comer nuestros alimentos o contaminados.
  • Salmonella (salmonelosis)
  • Schigella spp. (disentería, diarrea)
  • Escherichia coli (infecciones estomacales e intestinales)
  • Pseudomonas spp. (infección de heridas, material infestado de hospitales)
Many types of cockroaches are only of regional importance, while three species are more widespread: the Germanic cockroach (Blattella germanica), the oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) and the American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana). These three species are found among us and are very common in Alicante, Valencia and Murcia. They make use of the good living conditions they find in our environment, particularly the warm temperatures and abundance of food. Staphylococcus spp. (wound infection, infested hospital material)Bacillus antheacis (anthrax)Mycobacteria (tuberculosis)
Cockroaches: an underestimated pest, causing diseases

We are experts in killing and fumigating cockroaches in Alicante

We operate in all towns (Benidorm, Torrevieja, Elche, Denia, Crevillente, etc.)

Los tratamientos para matar cucarachas con éxito, son cosa de profesionales

Cockroaches are a problem in our homes. They often find ideal conditions to spread rapidly, for example through air conditioning and ventilation systems or elevators. Cockroaches are nocturnal and are very wary of light, so they like to use cracks and crevices to hide. Likewise, they can live in furniture or appliances.

The difficulty of killing cockroaches at home

Many times we try to kill cockroaches in homes by ourselves, but we achieve the opposite effect by causing them to spread to other areas. Only a pest control company can nip your cockroach problem in the bud, preventing the infestation from expanding and reappearing again.

Do you have a cockroach problem?

Contact us to fumigate cockroaches. We are experts in killing cockroach pests. More than 40 years of experience support us.


965 952 750

Fumigar cucarachas solo tendrá éxito si conocemos:

  • Qué especie de cucaracha tenemos en casa.
  • Dónde se esconden los adultos y las crías y por dónde se mueven.
  • Cuál es el foco de la infestación y cómo entran las cucarachas.

How to fumigate cockroaches?

Before carrying out a treatment to fumigate cockroaches we have to do a prior evaluation. We can use several techniques to kill cockroaches, an important part being control and cleaning the infested area. First, rooms must be cleaned and food removed. Then we must seal the cracks and gaps of poor construction.

How to prevent a cockroach infestation from spreading at home

If we use household sprays we are moving the cockroach problem to other areas of the house that are not infested. Additionally, the eggs (oothecae) are generally resistant to insecticides. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see the reappearance of cockroaches a few weeks after the initial treatment. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out several treatments spaced over time.

Treatment to kill cockroaches with gel

Gel treatments to kill cockroaches allow us a highly specific application close to the cockroach population. Gel treatments to kill cockroaches are ideal for food handling areas such as kitchens and other sensitive areas.

Advantages of a gel treatment to kill cockroaches

In contrast to conventional treatments to kill cockroaches with sprays or liquids, a gel treatment does not require extensive prior preparations. No special protective measures (mask or specific clothing) are necessary, unlike treatments with a safety period. There are no closets to empty, the house does not have to be vacated during the treatment and there are no odors. In short, a treatment to kill cockroaches with gel has no safety period and people do not have to leave their home.

Real opinions of treatments to kill cockroaches in Alicante

Regarding cockroach pest control in a two-story semi-detached house:
“They contacted us first and gave us a quote that was fairly quick and adjusted in price. We quickly set an execution date and they were punctual, doing a good job. We had to insist on disinfection because the extermination was not 100% and they did not pose any problem in returning and finishing the work at no additional cost. In general, very satisfied with the treatment, the speed, the price and the service in general”
JL Cobo Cockroach treatment client (Albufereta-Alicante)
About cockroach elimination in Valencia apartment:
"Everything was ok, to say the least, maybe more staff to provide a quick service, I requested the service on holidays and the technicians were quite saturated. I requested the service based on references from another person who did a service for them and they were satisfied"

L. Boix

Cockroach removal client

About cockroach disinfestation in a bungalow (San Juan de Alicante):
"A very attentive and professional team. They did everything possible to solve our problem and we are eternally grateful. Thanks to the entire team of professionals at this company, especially Laura and Fede. Thank you so much!"
Yamira Martín Cockroach disinfestation in San Juan de Alicante
En relación a tratamiento para fumigar cucarachas:
"Good evening, the technician who came today was very professional and effective. I congratulate you for having employees like this, all that is needed is for everything done to be effective. Thank you 😉"
Ramón Huguet Treatment to fumigate floor in Torrevieja

Services to kill cockroaches most in demand:


Treatments to eliminate cockroaches.
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Treatment to kill cockroaches at home.
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Treatment to fumigate floor with cockroach infestation.
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