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Disinfestation in Alicante, Valencia and Murcia

Insect pest control

Tratamientos de Desinsectación en Alicante, Valencia y Murcia

Like most large cities that require disinfestation treatments, Alicante, Valencia and Murcia suffer from an unpleasant pest problem. Many buildings in condominiums and single-family homes are infested by cockroaches and rodents, causing major problems.
Higienisa, experts in disinfestation in Alicante, Valencia and Murcia
Several environmental factors help the insects thrive: the warm climate, high humidity near the sea, population density, and the somewhat neglected state of many of the buildings in these areas. Such conditions put the procedures for disinfestation of cockroaches and other insects to the test. For this reason, at Higienisa we work with the best products on the market for cockroach disinfestation, applied by our technicians with surprisingly effective results.

¿Como realizamos una desinsectación de cucarachas efectiva?

01 Situation diagnosis

Before a disinfestation treatment, an assessment must be made in which we will identify, for example, the species of cockroach that exists and its extent. We will have to know the factors that have caused and favored its proliferation. It is important to obtain certain prior information such as the structural characteristics of the establishment that may encourage the entry, multiplication and spread of a cockroach infestation or any other harmful organism. Collection of prior information. Inspection. Analysis of the situation.

02 Programa de actuación

To keep, for example, a cockroach infestation below the tolerance threshold, we must establish a series of action plans and measures that guarantee that the program is feasible. Structural measures.Hygienic-sanitary and environmental measures.Measures on behavior and healthy habits.Pest control measures.

03 Evaluation

It is essential, in disinfestation treatments for pests such as cockroaches, to constantly monitor the degree of infestation. Thus, we can evaluate whether it is necessary to correct or modify the established Action Program.
A cockroach disinfestation treatment using biocides will only be applied in the event that the pest exceeds the established tolerance threshold and provided that the measures listed above are not sufficient.

Plan de Control de Plagas (Desinsectación)

Situation diagnosis

To implement an adequate pest surveillance and control system, we have to know certain information such as: type of establishment and activity, its characteristics, whether it has had pest problems before, etc. If it exists, both the type of pest that affects the establishment or private home and the degree of infestation must be detected.

Action program

We establish a series of measures and strategies to keep the establishment free of pests. This system allows us to detect, for example, cockroach infestation, before it becomes a major problem. If necessary, we apply specific disinfestation treatments against the pest that needs to be controlled.


It is necessary to establish continuous monitoring of the establishment. In this way we can evaluate the effectiveness of the disinfestation treatments carried out. Thus, we will be able to assess whether it is necessary to change the strategy and apply different disinfestation treatments, rotating the active material of the biocide, for example from cockroaches, to avoid their resistance.

Insect pest control: disinsection

Las cucarachas son una de las plagas más extendidas y ofensivas que podemos encontrar en casas, pisos, comunidades de propietarios, establecimientos de hostelería, almacenes, etc. en todo el mundo.

Poseen un gran poder de adaptación al medio en el que viven por lo que son unos supervivientes natos habiendo sobrevivido incluso en pruebas con bombas nucleares. Son capaces de vivir sin alimentarse durante largos periodos (3 meses) y sin agua más de 30 días.

Suelen estar más activas por la noche, pero también las podemos encontrar en horas de sol. Su desarrollo es más favorable en temperaturas cálidas, de ahí su asentamiento en construcciones humanas que les permiten vivir en lugares con climas fríos. Son omnívoras y en su dieta encontramos alimentos con gran contenido en grasas, almidón, azucares y todo lo necesario para mantenerse con vida. Son fácilmente visibles durante las horas diurnas si la población es muy elevada.

La característica más importante en cuanto a transmisión de enfermedades, es la gran contaminación de alimentos que ocasionan. Por su causa se producen graves pérdidas económicas por la contaminación de los alimentos (indirectamente) y por el consumo de estos (directamente).

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