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Do you want to eliminate wasps?

Higienisa, your company of experts in eliminating wasps

Treatments to eliminate wasps and wasps nests

Like most insects that live organized in colonies, wasps fiercely defend their nest from other enemies. They are usually peaceful insects but if we disturb the area near the wasp nest or shake their nests, we can get a few wasp stings. Wasps can become a problem and put people's health at risk. Because of this, to keep you safe and protect your family or clients, our recommendation is to contact a professional treatment company to eliminate wasps and avoid major problems. At Higienisa we have the technical capabilities, protective equipment and knowledge to carry out treatments against wasps with full guarantee, using products that are used professionally that are not available to the public.
Don't risk it! If you have wasps, contact us. We are experts in treatments to eliminate wasps and wasps nests.

Be careful with wasp stings. Request a treatment to eliminate wasps

Are you worried about wasp stings? Do you have wasps at home?

If you have wasps and are worried about being stung when you go out to the garden or pool, we recommend that you ask for help from a company that is responsible for carrying out treatments to eliminate wasps. At Higienisa, we know how to get rid of the most annoying guest at Alicante barbecues: wasps. We receive hundreds of calls to treat wasps every year, especially with the arrival of good weather, so if you have problems with wasps, don't risk it and contact us. Request a wasp or wasp nest treatment and we will get rid of this annoying guest.

Why do we carry out treatments to eliminate wasps? The dangers of wasps.

Wasps are one of the most frightening and probably aggressive pests in Alicante. It is well known that their bites are very unpleasant and that sometimes we are attacked without, in theory, having provoked them. Although it is normal that they only bite us if they feel threatened. Wasps are social insects that release warning pheromones when they are intimidated, causing a state of agitation in the wasp nest, which defends itself with its painful stings. Wasp stings are very annoying but, in the worst case, they can be fatal. If you are allergic to their bites, they can cause anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, and even death. We must avoid exposing people with allergies, children, the elderly and pets to environments where wasps live. If you have a wasp problem in your pool or garden, contact us. We are professionals in wasp treatments.

Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency. It can be very serious if not treated quickly. If someone has symptoms of anaphylaxis, they should call 112 to request an ambulance immediately.

Wasp problems in your business or commerce?

If you have a restaurant or business with a terrace or near gardens or swimming pools, you may have a wasp problem. If this is the case, you should take it seriously. Your customers can complain and make claims or, even worse, leave a negative review on the Internet, with the consequent financial loss that this entails. To avoid reducing the activity of your business and offer your staff and clients protection against wasps, we advise you to contact a professional company that is responsible for the treatment to eliminate wasps or install traps to capture wasps.

Should we eliminate all the wasp nests or get rid of all the wasps?

Si tenemos avispas en los jardines, pueden ser convenientes y realizar una buena labor, puesto que cazan insectos y orugas para alimentar al avispero, disminuyendo a su vez la proliferación de estas posibles plagas. Por lo tanto, si las avispas no presentan un problema, podemos evitar realizar un tratamiento contra avispas.

Sin embargo, si llegado el momento la presencia de avispas se convierten en un problema que nos perjudique, debemos poner los medios para solucionarlo.

Treatments to eliminate wasp nests. Goodbye wasps.

If you see wasps hovering around your house or garden, you may have a wasp nest nearby or there may be something that attracts them. Wasp nests can be of different sizes and shapes, and can contain up to five thousand wasps in summer, which is the time of greatest activity. A wasp nest is built with a mixture of wood or cellulose and saliva that the wasps secrete to form a type of paper. They make them very light and at the same time water resistant.

How can we eliminate a wasp nest with treatment?

Wasps build their nests in hidden areas, where they can take refuge. To carry out a treatment to eliminate the wasp nest we first have to find it. The most common places where we usually detect them are: In trees and bushes. In holes in walls. Under the eaves of roofs. In storage rooms or garages. Although we have found wasp nests in the most unexpected places. If we want to eliminate the wasp nest we have to follow the trail of the worker wasps back to the honeycomb. We can find wasp nests the size of an egg or even the size of a balloon. This will depend on whether it is spring or summer, where the colonies number thousands of wasps. The treatment to eliminate wasps and wasps nests should be carried out in the early hours of the day or when it is already getting dark. At these times is when we can eliminate the greatest number of wasps and they are also less aggressive.

Can I eliminate the wasp nest from my house myself, at home?

Trying to eliminate a wasp nest at home can be a bad idea. If the wasps feel threatened, they enter an aggressive state and will most likely sting you and the people around you. They will sting you again and again, since they do not die after their attack, which happens with bees. Home remedies against wasps do not work!

Most popular treatments to eliminate wasps


Treatment to kill wasps.
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Treatment to eliminate wasp nests in gardens, roofs, etc.
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Spraying wasps in the garden.
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Tips and home remedies to kill and eliminate wasps
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