What's your problem?
Higienisa is the Pest Control and Disinfection company you were looking for to keep your Home or Business free of Pests. With more than 40 years of experience in the sector (Disinfestation, Deratization, Disinfection), we offer services in the provinces of Alicante, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete.
Thanks to our staff made up of pest control experts (graduates, engineers, environmental health technicians), we can offer real, quality solutions to take care of the environmental health of people's surroundings.
Todos los establecimientos, ya sean carnicerías, restaurantes, panaderías, hoteles, etc. deben disponer del obligatorio certificado de control de plagas o autorización sanitaria correspondiente. Higienisa le puede ayudar a solucionar estos asuntos.
The Higienisa staff is made up of pest control technicians and personnel specialized in their elimination with appropriate training and professional qualifications.
We can always arrive on time with excellent results for:
Nuestros técnicos de control de plagas te informarán sobre legislación vigente, medidas de prevención y/o tratamientos a realizar, Planes de Vigilancia, normas de seguridad que se deben de tomar antes, durante y después de cualquier tratamiento de control de plagas. Certificados de Sanidad con su documentación Higiénico-Sanitaria correspondiente.
Déjese asesorar por Profesionales. Damos Soluciones Reales para:
In relation to pest control treatments in chalets with gardens:
"Antes tenía miedo de las ratas, de las avispas, termitas, la procesionaria y demás. En los 10 años que lleva Higienisa ayudándome con todo eso, se me ha pasado ese miedo. Sé que solo tengo que coger el teléfono o mandar un mensaje y tengo un trato inmediato, personalizado, amable, flexible, fiable y profesional, a un precio muy razonable. No se me ocurre buscar a nadie más y recomiendo a Higienisa a todos mis amigos, y ellos me lo agradecen"
About treatments to eliminate termites:
“Higienisa is made up of a good group of professionals, with many years of experience behind them. As the person in charge of the Sentri Tech anti-termite bait system for years, when I had to choose a company, I did not hesitate for a single moment. Their extensive experience with termites and other xylophages gave me security and guarantee, and this was demonstrated with good figures and with the satisfaction of their clients, which I was able to verify in the audits of their interventions. “It is a veteran company and very technically solvent”
“They contacted us first and gave us a quote that was fairly quick and adjusted in price. We quickly set an execution date and they were punctual, doing a good job. We had to insist on disinfection because the extermination was not 100% and they did not pose any problem in returning and finishing the work at no additional cost. In general, very satisfied with the treatment, the speed, the price and the service in general”
"Very satisfied. We chose Higienisa, apart from the speed of service, because of the professionalism demonstrated in the first visit"
Consulta nuestro blog para encontrar consejos útiles de control de plagas, remedios caseros para acabar con insectos molestos y curiosidades sobre el fascinante mundo de las termitas, cucarachas, roedores o chinches de la cama, entre otros.