control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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965 952 750

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your Pest Control and Disinfection company

More than 40 years of experience

We love to keep homes and businesses free of pests.

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What Who Are We?

Higienisa is the Pest Control and Disinfection company you were looking for to keep your Home or Business free of Pests. With more than 40 years of experience in the sector (Disinfestation, Deratization, Disinfection), we offer services in the provinces of Alicante, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete.

Thanks to our staff made up of pest control experts (graduates, engineers, environmental health technicians), we can offer real, quality solutions to take care of the environmental health of people's surroundings.



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Discover how Higienisa can help you solve your pest problem. It doesn't matter if they are cockroaches, termites, rats or mice, bed bugs, wasps..., we have the most effective and safe pest control treatments.
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Todos los establecimientos, ya sean carnicerías, restaurantes, panaderías, hoteles, etc. deben disponer del obligatorio certificado de control de plagas o autorización sanitaria correspondiente. Higienisa le puede ayudar a solucionar estos asuntos.

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  • How are we different from other pest control companies?

    We are experts in everything related to Urban Pest Control (Disinfections, Fumigations, Disinfestation, Deratization...), being constantly updated to offer the most effective treatments and the most innovative techniques, using the latest generation products. We will help you keep your Home or Business free of pests, complying with current health regulations.

  • We love what we do

    We remain closely related to everything that has to do with the world of Pest Control. Proof of this are the more than 40 years of experience behind us. During all this time many clients have trusted our work. Some are recent, others have abandoned us and others have been by our side for more than 15 years. This proves our good work with them.

  • Why choose Higienisa?

    We want you to be aware of the vital importance of hiring an adequate Pest Control company today and how necessary it is for your Home or Business. If you have a company or business, it is not enough to just have the Health or Pest Control Certificate and comply with the paperwork, it is crucial to implement a surveillance plan that confirms the absence of the same or, otherwise, to be able to act before that become uncontrolled sources. In the case of your Home, we are talking about the health of your loved ones, the people you love most. In this case, it is essential to choose the treatment that best suits us, using biocides with the least impact on our health. This is not the first time we have heard news of people being poisoned due to misuse of products.

How can we help you to...

Matar cucarachas

Kill Cockroaches

Cockroaches are dirty, disease-carrying insects. They can spread germs throughout the house very quickly.
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eliminar termitas en casa

Eliminate Termites

They don't show themselves until the damage is done. That is why timely detection by a termite expert and treatment to eliminate termites and termite mounds using baits is important.
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tratamientos para fumigar chinches de la cama

Fumigate Bed Bugs

You should not resort to home remedies to eliminate bed bugs as this will contribute to the spread of the infestation even further.
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Tratamiento endoterapia contra procesionaria

Treatments against pine processionary

The processionary causes allergic reactions in people and pets, as well as hives. We can eliminate the pine processionary with endotherapy treatment or by fumigating pines.
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Tratamientos Legionella Desinfecciones

Control y Prevención de la Legionella

Depending on the type of facilities that can transmit legionella, we are obliged to establish a prevention and control system, such as cleaning and disinfecting water tanks, cooling towers, etc.
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eliminar pulgas

Eliminate Fleas

Fleas can carry disease-causing organisms. A flea problem can also occur in places where dogs or cats are not present as flea larvae continue to develop.
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Tratamiento para acabar con las ratas

End Rats and Mice

Rats and mice cause health and economic problems. We must prevent and avoid its presence in our homes and companies.
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como controlar la carcoma

Control Woodworm

Woodworms can become a serious problem if they are not controlled in time since they attack both furniture and wooden structural elements (beams).
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Are you looking for a definitive solution to eliminate pests in your Home or Business?

Treatments to eliminate pests in homes

The Higienisa staff is made up of pest control technicians and personnel specialized in their elimination with appropriate training and professional qualifications.

We can always arrive on time with excellent results for:


    Eliminate Termites and WoodwormsFumigate FloorEliminate Cockroach Pest at HomeDisinfestation of American CockroachesEliminate Bed BugsFumigate Wasps in the GardenHow to Kill Mice and Rats (Deratization)Fumigate Pine Processionary


Pest Control in Companies and Businesses

Nuestros técnicos de control de plagas te informarán sobre legislación vigente, medidas de prevención y/o tratamientos a realizar, Planes de Vigilancia, normas de seguridad que se deben de tomar antes, durante y después de cualquier tratamiento de control de plagas. Certificados de Sanidad con su documentación Higiénico-Sanitaria correspondiente.

Déjese asesorar por Profesionales. Damos Soluciones Reales para:


    Pest Control Certificates (Hospitality and Restaurants)Treatments to eliminate bed bugs in HotelsPrevention and Control of Legionella (Disinfections)Pest Control in food establishmentsSolutions for the Food Industry (HACCP Plans)Comprehensive Pest Control Plans (PCIP) )


Our best guarantee? Our clients

opiniones clientes higienisa

In relation to pest control treatments in chalets with gardens:

"Antes tenía miedo de las ratas, de las avispas, termitas, la procesionaria y demás. En los 10 años que lleva Higienisa ayudándome con todo eso, se me ha pasado ese miedo. Sé que solo tengo que coger el teléfono o mandar un mensaje y tengo un trato inmediato, personalizado, amable, flexible, fiable y profesional, a un precio muy razonable. No se me ocurre buscar a nadie más y recomiendo a Higienisa a todos mis amigos, y ellos me lo agradecen"

Dr. Verena von Bomhard San Juan de Alicante
opiniones clientes higienisa 1

About treatments to eliminate termites:

“Higienisa is made up of a good group of professionals, with many years of experience behind them. As the person in charge of the Sentri Tech anti-termite bait system for years, when I had to choose a company, I did not hesitate for a single moment. Their extensive experience with termites and other xylophages gave me security and guarantee, and this was demonstrated with good figures and with the satisfaction of their clients, which I was able to verify in the audits of their interventions. “It is a veteran company and very technically solvent”

Amador Barambio. Environmental Consultant and Advisor, Expert in Termites. Atty. Chemical Sciences
opiniones clientes control plagas
Regarding cockroach pest control in a two-story semi-detached house:

“They contacted us first and gave us a quote that was fairly quick and adjusted in price. We quickly set an execution date and they were punctual, doing a good job. We had to insist on disinfection because the extermination was not 100% and they did not pose any problem in returning and finishing the work at no additional cost. In general, very satisfied with the treatment, the speed, the price and the service in general”

JL Cobo Cockroach treatment client (Albufereta-Alicante)
opiniones clientes control plagas alicante
Regarding treatment against termites and woodworms:

"Very satisfied. We chose Higienisa, apart from the speed of service, because of the professionalism demonstrated in the first visit"

Villas Leon Javea
Tratamiento contra termitas y carcomas
opiniones clientes control plagas 2

In relation to a cockroach disinfestation in Novelda (Alicante):

"Formal and efficient company, quick organization of work.

100% recommendable"

Immaculate Castile

Germanic cockroach disinfestation in Novelda - Alicante

Do you have a pest problem in your home or business?

Consulta nuestro blog para encontrar consejos útiles de control de plagas, remedios caseros para acabar con insectos molestos y curiosidades sobre el fascinante mundo de las termitas, cucarachas, roedores o chinches de la cama, entre otros.

Detectar y eliminar termitas en casa
by Higienisa Termitas 6 March 2025
Descubre cómo detectar y eliminar termitas en casa con esta guía práctica. Aprende a identificar infestaciones, prevenir daños y cuándo acudir a profesionales para proteger tu hogar.
Control de plagas en la industria alimentaria
by Higienisa 26 February 2025
Descubre cómo prevenir plagas en la industria alimentaria y garantizar la seguridad de tus productos. Higienisa te ayuda a proteger tu negocio y cumplir con la normativa.
Seguridad frente a la Legionella en instalaciones de agua
by Higienisa Legionella 20 February 2025
Cómo garantizar la seguridad frente a la Legionella en Instalaciones de agua: o ¿Qué es la Legionella y por qué es peligrosa? o Instalaciones más vulnerables a la proliferación de Legionella o Normativa sobre prevención de la Legionella en España o Métodos efectivos para prevenir la Legionella en sistemas de agua o Importancia de un mantenimiento regular en instalaciones de agua o Beneficios de contratar un servicio profesional de prevención de Legionella o Preguntas frecuentes sobre la prevención de la Legionella
solución definitiva a plagas persistentes
by Higienisa Control de Plagas 13 February 2025
Cómo acabar con las plagas persistentes de una vez por todas. Solución definitiva a plagas persistentes.
Tratamientos para Eliminar Termitas en Elche
by Higienisa Termitas Elche 5 February 2025
En Higienisa eliminamos termitas en Elche con soluciones avanzadas. Protección total para tu hogar o negocio. ¡Pide presupuesto gratuito hoy!
Control de Plagas en Elda: Soluciones Profesionales
by Control de Plagas Elda 29 January 2025
Control de plagas en Elda para hogares y negocios: desratización, fumigación y desinsectación. Soluciones rápidas y seguras. ¡Pide tu presupuesto!
Métodos de control de plagas en bares y restaurantes
by Higienisa Control de Plagas 22 January 2025
Descubre los métodos más efectivos para el control de plagas en bares con Higienisa. Prevención, normativas y soluciones profesionales. ¡Contacta ahora!
Tratamientos para Eliminar Termitas en Orihuela
by Higienisa Termitas Orihuela 15 January 2025
Higienisa ofrece los mejores tratamientos para eliminar termitas en Orihuela. Protección total contra daños estructurales. ¡Pide tu presupuesto hoy!

Hygienic. Company with Soul

We are close to you

We provide service in Alicante, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete


Central / Administration 965 952 750


Cheste 963 675 309



968 216 258


Albacete 967 238 058

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