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Lepisma saccharina

Silverfish are small shiny silver insects that sometimes enter homes. They measure up to 13 millimeters long and have long antennae and thin legs. They are harmless to humans but harmful because they feed on starch and glue, damaging books, clothing and food.

Silverfish prefer moist, dark environments such as under carpets, in closets, and in boxes. They reproduce quickly and females lay up to 100 eggs in 6 months which hatch after 4 to 8 weeks.

eliminate silverfish - fumigate silverfish - silverfish treatment

Silverfish or Silverfish: Control and Prevention

In this article, we will explore the world of silverfish or Lepisma, small insects that are usually found indoors. We will learn about its biology, characteristics and habits, as well as its impact on the domestic environment and the measures that can be taken to control its presence.

If you have a silverfish or silverfish problem at home, contact specialists.

At Higienisa we are experts in treatments and services to eliminate silverfish.


Dangers or risks of silverfish or Silverfish

Material damage

Silverfish can cause damage to a variety of materials, including paper, books, photographs, and clothing. Their diet is based on starch and other compounds present in these objects, which can lead to stains, holes and general deterioration.

Impact on health

Unlike other pests, silverfish do not pose a direct danger to human health, as they do not transmit diseases or bite. However, its presence can cause discomfort and allergies in sensitive people.

Do you have a silverfish or Silverfish problem?

Contact us. We are experts in removing silverfish.

More than 40 years of experience support us.


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Home remedies to eliminate silverfish or Silverfish at home

Reducción del hábitat y prevención

  1. Mantén un ambiente limpio y libre de humedad, ya que los pececillos de plata prefieren lugares húmedos.
  2. Almacena libros y documentos en lugares secos y bien ventilados.
  3. Sella las grietas y huecos en paredes, suelos y techos para evitar su entrada.

Trampas y atrayentes caseros

    Place baits such as pieces of bread or starch-impregnated paper in places prone to the presence of silverfish. Place sticky traps or light traps in areas where silverfish activity has been observed.

Professional treatments to eliminate silverfish or Silverfish

Professional inspection and evaluation

    Pest control experts will conduct a thorough inspection to identify affected areas and determine the extent of the infestation. They will evaluate the best approach to controlling silverfish, using safe and effective methods.

Tratamientos químicos

  1. Se aplicarán productos insecticidas específicos de forma controlada para eliminar los pececillos de plata.
  2. Se darán recomendaciones para la prevención de futuras infestaciones y se brindará asesoramiento sobre la gestión de objetos susceptibles al ataque de estos insectos.

Silverfish Tips, Remedies and Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I prevent silverfish from appearing in my home?

    To prevent the appearance of silverfish, you can follow these tips:

  • What are the best cleaning and organization methods to avoid the presence of silverfish or silverfish?

    Los métodos de limpieza y organización que puedes seguir incluyen:

  • What other home remedies can I try to get rid of silverfish?

    Some additional home remedies you can try are:

  • Are natural repellents effective against silverfish or silverfish?

    Los repelentes naturales como el aceite de lavanda, el aceite de menta o el aceite de cedro pueden ayudar a disuadir a los pececillos de plata. Sin embargo, su efectividad puede variar y es posible que sea necesario combinarlos con otras medidas de control.

  • What is the biology and life cycle of silverfish?

    Los pececillos de plata son insectos pequeños que pasan por un proceso de metamorfosis incompleta. Ponen huevos que eclosionan en ninfas y finalmente se convierten en adultos. Su ciclo de vida puede durar entre dos y ocho años.

  • Where do silverfish typically hide and what are their habitat preferences?

    Silverfish prefer dark, moist areas. They often hide in cracks and crevices in walls, behind furniture, in basements, attics, and bathrooms. They like to feed on materials that contain starch, such as paper, cardboard, fabrics, and dry foods.

  • How long does it take to eliminate a silverfish infestation?

    The time required to eliminate a silverfish infestation can vary depending on the severity of the situation. It may require several steps, such as thorough cleaning, removal of moisture sources, and application of specific treatments. In general, the help of pest control professionals is recommended to ensure effective removal.

  • Yes, there are non-chemical control techniques that can be used, such as reducing humidity, sealing cracks, and improving ventilation. Sticky traps and extensive cleaning measures can also be implemented to reduce the silverfish population.

It is important to remember that if you need professional assistance to control a silverfish infestation, it is advisable to contact a specialized pest control company, such as Higienisa.

If you have a silverfish problem at home, contact specialists.

At Higienisa we are experts in treatments and services to eliminate silverfish.


Our treatments to eliminate silverfish

Eliminate silverfish in the bathroom or toilet

Treatment to eliminate silverfish at home.

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Fumigate floor with silverfish

Fumigate silverfish by a company specialized in silverfish pest control.

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Silverfish Treatment

Treatment against silverfish. We know how to get rid of silverfish infestations.

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