control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Hygiene, pest control and environmental health

Experts in Pest Control and Environmental Health

We are a company of Pest Control Experts

It is important that, after having read and browsed our website, you come to the conclusion that pest control companies fulfill one of the most vital functions. We are the global guardian of people's comfort and health, the backbone of the food industry. Our work consists of minimizing the problems that urban, industrial pests or any harmful organism can cause in our environment, maintaining acceptable health levels.
Call toll-free at 900 878 406
Pests are everywhere. In urban areas, in private residences, in food companies and also in restaurants, in offices and public buildings. At Higienisa, we improve the well-being of people and their urban environments. By controlling vectors such as cockroaches, rats, etc. We reduce the transmission of diseases and, ultimately, the inconvenience or danger that pests pose to the health of people or animals.

Services we can offer you

We offer pest control, food safety and legionella services, with a different approach, developed from a deep knowledge of the biology and behavior of the pest or treatment in question. We analyze our client's problem to offer the most appropriate treatment to eliminate the pest quickly and with the least impact on the environment.


  • Servicio de control de plagas
  • Certificado de Control de Plagas para Sanidad (hostelería, bares, restaurantes, etc.)
  • PCIP: Plan de Control Integral de Plagas (hoteles, comunidades de vecinos, industria alimentaria, residencias/geriátricos)
  • Empresa de control de plagas (Alicante, Valencia, Murcia)
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Disinfestation ServiceEliminate cockroachesKill bed bugsTreatments to eliminate waspsDisinfestation company in Alicante, Valencia and Murcia
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Deratization ServiceGet rid of ratsEliminate miceTreatments against rodentsDeratization Company in Alicante and Murcia
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tratamientos de prevención y control de la legionella en alicante


What is Legionellosis? How is it transmitted? Regulations: facilities required to control legionellaCleaning and Disinfection of Water Tanks
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Tratamiento para eliminar termitas en madera


Termite TreatmentsElimination of Termite Mounds with SentriTech HD BaitsPreventive Termite Treatment: TermiFilmTreatments against Xylophages: Woodworms and Rot FungiEliminate Termites and Woodworms
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empresa plan de autocontrol appcc en alicante


What is HACCP?Who is obliged to implement it?Why implement HACCP in my company?The principles of HACCPHACCP Plans – PrerequisitesFood industry Self-control System
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fumigaciones en Alicante, Valencia y Murcia


  • Fumigar insectos voladores
  • Fumigaciones de falsos techos
  • Fumigación de cucarachas
  • Fumigar piso
  • Servicio de Fumigaciones en Alicante, Valencia y Murcia
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Desinfecciones Alicante, Valencia y Murcia


  • Desinfección de vestuarios y aseos
  • Desinfecciones de Spas y piscinas
  • Desinfección en Industria Alimentaria
  • Desinfección Ambiental
  • Servicio de Desinfecciones en Alicante, Valencia y Murcia
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servicios para fumigar pinos, cipreses, palmeras, jardines


Pine processionary treatmentCypress fumigationLawn donut disinfestationGarden fumigationGarden pest control service
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