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bed bugs

(Cimex lectularius)

Since the beginning of time they have evolved with humanity. For thousands of years, this pest known as bed bugs became dependent on humans, their preferred food. They are not interested in feeding on animals, only humans.

They hide during the day in dark places, in the wall, under the bed, near where they instinctively know we sleep. Bed bugs attack at night and feed silently. They are very small and difficult to see. We are not aware of their bite while they are feeding but in some cases it can cause a rash. There is no proof that bed bugs transmit or cause disease. However, the presence of bed bugs at home or in a hotel can cause serious discomfort.

For much of its existence, humanity has lived with bed bugs. But in the early decades of the 20th century, we developed biocidal products that seemed to eliminate bed bugs from the face of the earth. Now we know that was not the case and some survived.

For unknown reasons, a new variety of bed bugs began to appear in the world at the beginning of the 21st century. The fast-paced world of transportation and globalization has brought this bedbug infestation to every corner of the planet.

company eliminate bed bugs - fumigate bed bugs

I have bed bugs

What to do if I have bed bugs?

Early detection and treatment to eliminate bed bugs quickly and effectively are essential to prevent bed bugs from establishing and expanding throughout a building or home. Once established, bed bugs are among the most difficult pests to eliminate and therefore bed bug treatments are often among the most expensive. The success of a treatment to eliminate bed bugs requires aggressive action and above all a good inspection to track and locate their hiding places.

What to avoid if I have bed bugs in my house or apartment

Below we provide some guidelines for administrators or owners of apartments or homes, whether rental or not, to help them recognize and know how to act when faced with a bedbug infestation and minimize future problems.

Do not blame or stigmatize tenants or people if you suspect they have brought bed bugs.

Do not try to control the bed bug problem with home or "cheap" remedies. Success in controlling bed bugs may require several visits from a professional pest control company. Various control techniques and treatments can be employed if necessary.

We do not recommend throwing away beds, furniture, or personal belongings to get rid of bed bugs. These measures, in addition to costing money, do not help control the problem.

Be careful when moving or moving tenants to a new apartment to resolve bed bug problems. So we may be infesting this new property.

No intente eliminar las chinches de la cama por su cuenta. Los remedios caseros contra chinches no funcionan y ayudan a expandir la plaga. Contacte lo antes posible con una empresa de expertos en eliminar chinches de la cama.

Notify and communicate the bed bug problem to neighboring homes or adjacent apartments. They may be infested and may also need to be treated to control the bed bug problem.

Do not rent the previously infested apartment or dwelling until you are reasonably sure that the bed bugs have been eliminated and all previous evidence of bed bugs has been removed.

Stages of a treatment to eliminate bed bugs

eliminar chinches empresa

Inspection of property affected by bed bugs

For bed bug treatment to be successful, a thorough inspection is necessary to detect the spots and areas where bed bugs hide.

Treatments to eliminate bed bugs

Chemical shock treatment and superheated dry steam to eliminate adult bed bugs. A second chemical shock and dry steam treatment, 15 days after the initial treatment, to eliminate the bed bugs that have hatched and were protected in the eggs.

Evaluation of bed bug treatment

Visual inspection and CO2 detector, performed by a bed bug expert, to confirm the total elimination of the bed bug infestation or, if not, take additional measures.

Do you have a bed bug problem?

Contact us. We are experts in eliminating bed bugs.

More than 40 years of experience support us.


965 952 750

Bed Bug Tips, Remedies, and FAQs

  • How much does it cost to fumigate a house or apartment against bedbugs?

    Un solo tratamiento contra chinches de la cama en una casa o piso estandar, puede costar un mínimo de 200 €. Normalmente son necesarios realizar dos tratamientos contra chinches, espaciados durante un período de 15 días. Si no hacemos caso al problema de chinches desde el principio e intentamos solucionarlo por nuestros medios, ese coste podría alcanzar una cifra más elevada.

  • What is the best bed bug treatment?

    The best treatment to eliminate bed bugs is usually a combination of the best techniques, always in the opinion of the professional and expert company in eliminating bed bugs.

  • Home remedies to eliminate bed bugs do not work and can aggravate the problem. A bed bug problem cannot be solved with home remedies and if we try, we will end up spending more money than necessary. Firstly, spending money on sprays and then hiring a company to get rid of the bed bug problem.

  • Where can I detect or look for bed bugs?

    Podemos detectar chinches de la cama  reconociendo las siguientes señales o signos de su presencia:

  • Where do bed bugs hide?

    Bed bugs can find many places to hide. The most common places where bed bugs hide are:

  • Do bed bugs transmit diseases?

    Bed bug bites can transmit Chagas disease.

Do you want to know more about bed bugs?

Access our section: 20 questions to know everything about bed bugs

Our treatments to eliminate bed bugs

Fumigate floor or house against bed bugs

Treatment to eliminate bed bugs in an apartment or house.

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Bed bug treatment

Bed bug treatment performed by an experienced pest control company.

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Anti-bedbug mattress cover "Safe & Dream"

Anti-bedbug mattress cover made with a special membrane so that bedbugs cannot penetrate or bite through it.

Funda de colchón anti chinches lavable a máquina con agua caliente y posibilidad de utilizar secadora, manteniendo todas sus características.

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