control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Control and prevention of Legionella

Cleaning and disinfection of water tanks, hyperchlorination, etc.

¿Qué es es la legionelosis?

Legionellosis is a disease of environmental origin caused by a bacteria, "Legionella pneumophila", which is found in spaces or environments with surface water, forming part of the natural flora.
We offer cleaning and disinfection services for water tanks, cooling towers, etc. More than 40 years of experience support us.

And how is Legionella transmitted?

The presence of this microorganism in facilities or systems that require water for their operation is associated with the disease caused by this bacteria. Inadequate maintenance or incorrect design of these devices, with the accumulation of bacterial nutrients (dust, dirt, sludge and other organic matter) and favorable temperatures (between 20º C and 35º C) favor the concentration and multiplication of legionella. This, together with the presence of a water dispersion mechanism, can spread the germ in the form of an aerosol (tiny water particles suspended in the air) and penetrate the respiratory tract. Legionellosis is transmitted by inhalation of these aerosols with a high concentration of legionella.

¿Qué instalaciones están obligadas a llevar un control y prevención de la legionella?

Systems that use water in their operation. Those that produce aerosols. Those that are located inside or outside of buildings for collective use or industrial facilities that may be susceptible to becoming sources for the spread of the disease.

What are the facilities covered by the Legionella Prevention Law?

Domestic drinking water systems: Domestic hot water systems: network and tanks, accumulators, boilers, heaters. Cold water systems for human consumption: network and tanks, tanks, cisterns, cisterns, wells. Cooling towers and other similar equipment: Cooling towers. Evaporative condensers and evaporative cooling equipment.
Otros sistemas:
  • Pisscinas climatizadas con movimiento (Bañeras de hidromasaje, Spas, jacuzzis).
  • Equipos de terapia respiratoria (respiradores, nebulizadores y otros equipos que entren en contacto con las vías respiratorias).
  • Humidificadores y humectadores.
  • Fuentes ornamentales.
  • Sistemas de riego por aspersión.
  • Sistemas de agua contra incendios.
  • Elementos de refrigeración por aerosolización, al aire libre.
  • Conductos de aire acondicionado.
  • Instalaciones termales
  • Otros aparatos que acumulen agua y puedan producir aerosoles.

Who normally uses these types of facilities?

Hotels and tourist accommodation, Residences, Schools, Urbanizations and Neighborhood Communities, Clinics and Hospitals, etc. The list is enormous, and as an example, we list some: Urbanizations and Town Halls (Sprinkler irrigation). Shopping centers, cinemas, nightclubs, gas stations, Banks, Industries, etc., (Fire water systems). Official buildings, Centers commercial, Clinics, Industries, etc., (Air conditioning ducts).
Check if you have any of the related systems. If this is your case, take the appropriate measures.
¡Llámanos al 965 952 750!

Cleaning and disinfection certificate: legionella

At Higienisa we have specialized technicians with extensive experience and the corresponding training. We were pioneers in the prevention and control of legionella in Alicante, specifically in the Hotels of Benidorm.

El Real Decreto 487/2022 determina las medidas necesarias para la prevención y el control de la legionella.

You can download the regulations at the following links:

Some photos of our Cleaning and Disinfection work (Legionella)

Services for control and prevention of Legionella


Disinfection of water tanks
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tratamientos de prevención y control de la legionella en alicante


Cleaning and disinfection of cooling towers
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tratamientos de prevención y control de la legionella en alicante


Treatment for prevention and control of legionella
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