control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Hygiene, treatment of garden pests

Processionary, wasps, caterpillars, aphids, ants, red weevil...

Phytosanitary treatments for garden pests in Alicante, Murcia and Valencia

Otro de nuestros servicios es el tratamiento de jardines (fitosanitarios) en el que eliminamos las plagas que lo pueden dañar. Protegemos a las plantas y árboles de las plagas más comunes tales como pulgones, hongos, procesionaria del pino, avispas, orugas, hormigas, rosquilla negra, picudo rojo de las palmeras, cochinillas, etc.
These pests usually affect parks, gardens and recreational areas, both public and private areas, such as our community garden.
We are experts in pine processionary treatments in Alicante, Murcia and Valencia.

Garden Pest Treatment | Fumigate gardens

What should I do if I have a pest in the garden?

The presence of wasps, ants, spiders, etc. They do not in themselves constitute a danger that can directly affect the different plant species contained in a garden, but they can be a more or less direct cause of annoyance and harm to people and pets. Consult our treatments against garden pests.

What bugs can we find in the garden at home or in the community?

pine processionary

The pine processionary is a caterpillar that causes allergies and hives, sometimes very serious in the elderly and children. Very dangerous for garden pets. It is the most important pest of Mediterranean pine forests.


Honeycombs on roofs and cavities can result in an excessive presence of wasps, causing discomfort and painful stings, which in some cases represent a great risk for the person attacked.


We also found ants, very annoying due to their large number. They pose a problem in places where food is handled or stored: kitchens, pantries, countertops...


Spiders in a home or establishment give rise to annoying cobwebs on ceilings, not to mention the effect of rejection and fear that they produce when we see a spider at home or in the garden.

Other pests

Other pests that we can find in gardens are associated with the presence of domestic animals or pets, such as ticks and fleas, whose bites are very annoying.

Most popular garden pest treatments:

Fumigate cypress trees

Treatment to fumigate cypresses with pests.
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Eliminate pine processionary

Treatment to eliminate pine processionary.
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Tratamiento para acabar con las avispas

Treatment to eliminate wasps from the garden and pool.
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Endoterapia contra procesionaria del pino

Treatment against pine processionary through endotherapy, injections to the trunk.
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