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Treatments to fumigate bed bugs

Empresa para fumigar chinches de la cama

Treatments to fumigate bed bugs

Bedbug fumigation service throughout the province of Alicante

Prompt detection and effective bed bug treatment is essential. This way we will prevent bed bugs from establishing themselves in your house or building. Once established, bed bugs are among the most difficult pests to get rid of. Successfully fumigating bed bugs requires careful inspection to track down and eliminate every last refuge where they may hide.

At Higienisa, as a company formed by experts in fumigating bed bugs, we offer treatments to fumigate bed bugs and a series of guidelines that will help you recognize and know how to react to this pest and minimize future problems that they may cause.

Bed bugs, a common enemy of our homes and the most refined hotels.

Hygienisa, your company to fumigate bed bugs

We work in all towns: Benidorm, Elche, Denia, Torrevieja, Crevillent, ...

Our professionalism and discretion in the face of bed bug treatment.

In the past, bed bugs were largely associated with poorly maintained or substandard housing. Although this is no longer the case, many still continue to relate it, becoming a stigma due to which the client is ashamed if they have bedbugs at home. The reality is that a bed bug invasion at home is mostly due to the transportation of luggage, trips, merchandise, etc. Even so, at Higienisa we act with confidentiality and professionalism in the event of any bed bug problem.

Do you have a bed bug problem?

Contact us. We are experts in bed bug fumigation treatments.

More than 40 years of experience support us.


965 952 750

How to avoid and prevent bed bugs at home?

Do not accept “cheap” bed bug fumigation treatments. Effective bed bug control may require several treatments, employing a variety of removal and inspection techniques. Don't throw away beds, furniture, or personal possessions to get rid of your bed bug problem. This, in addition to being expensive, may not help control the problem. Likewise, there are anti-bed bug covers that are protective for mattresses. Don't try to get rid of your bed bug problem with home remedies or sprays. This can spread the problem since what we are achieving is expanding the pest to other areas of the house. Do not use furniture, beds or box springs found on the street. If you do, make sure they don't have bed bugs and check them carefully.

Tengo chinches de la cama en casa ¿Ahora qué hago?

Bed bugs are a problem that cannot be overlooked. If we ignore the signs or signs of its presence that we can find at home, this can become a costly mistake. If we do not act at the slightest sign, we will cause the bed bug infestation to spread to other rooms that are intact, making the treatment to fumigate bed bugs more difficult and expensive. It doesn't matter if we have a clean house. The only thing this insect is looking for is a food source that contains blood and that is us. Contacting a company specializing in bed bug fumigation treatments is the best guarantee to end the problem effectively and with guarantee.

Treatments to fumigate bed bugs successfully

Non-chemical methods to get rid of bed bugs. Physical removal of infested objects. Treatment by aspiration of bed bugs and eggs. Use of heat to eliminate bed bugs. Treatment against bed bugs eggs using steam. Bed Bug Traps and Capture Devices. Anti-bedbug mattress covers. Chemical treatments to fumigate bed bugs.
eliminar termitas con cebos

What are the phases of a treatment to fumigate bed bugs?


We detect the sources where bed bugs hide.


We apply the most effective bed bug fumigation treatment.


We confirmed that there are no bed bugs left.

Are there home remedies to eliminate bed bugs at home?

Sealing cracks and small holes will help reduce hiding places and prevent bed bugs from spreading to other uninfested rooms. However, there is no home remedy by which we can eliminate a bed bug infestation. What's more, if we use smoke bombs, aerosols, sprays or any other insecticide for domestic use, we will help spread the bedbug infestation, making its elimination later more difficult and expensive.

Anyone can have bed bugs. If you think "I have bed bugs at home" call us as soon as possible.

Most popular treatments to fumigate bed bugs


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Tratamiento para acabar con las chinches de la cama de manera efectiva.

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Fumigate floor to eliminate bed bugs.

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