control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Pest control in homes and communities

Hygienist | Pest Control and Environmental Health

Protecting your Home and Family from Pests

Rats, mice and cockroaches are the most common species of urban pests in our homes, since they are found both inside and outside of buildings and homes. It is increasingly common to find infestations of termites, woodworms and bed bugs in our homes, causing economic rather than hygienic-sanitary damage. Fleas, ticks and mites are other common species. The fact that these parasitic insects are detected at home is nowadays circumstantial and is normally linked to the existence of pets. Pine processionary, wasps, spiders, ants, aphids, caterpillars, etc. They are pests that we find in our gardens and that must be treated to preserve both the infested plants or trees and the people, who could suffer the consequences derived from said pests (stings, bites, hives,...)
Hygienisa, your pest control company

Pest-Free Homes

La presencia de plagas en su hogar es mucho más que un mero inconveniente. Suponen un serio riesgo para la salud cuando las encontramos en cocinas, dormitorios o donde juegan los niños.

Es necesaria una acción inmediata para acabar con las plagas en los hogares con el fin de evitar su propagación por toda la casa y la de sus vecinos.

En Higienisa somos especialistas en control de plagas que puedan perjudicar la salud y el bienestar de las personas o que puedan dañar sus bienes y propiedades.

Para combatir la plaga de manera activa, priorizamos aquellas medidas y tratamientos con el mínimo impacto ambiental y el máximo respeto para la salud de las personas y mascotas.

Déjese asesorar por expertos en control de plagas. ¡Damos soluciones reales!

Pest control specialists

Pests are a problem if they access the environment or interior of our homes. In addition to transmitting diseases (cockroaches, rats and mice), bites (bed bugs, wasps, etc.), they can cause serious economic damage (termites and woodworms). This is why we offer our pest control services in Neighborhood Communities, Residential Complexes and Urbanizations, both individually and collectively.
Call toll-free at 900 878 406

Pest problems at home?

Pests can be very uncomfortable when they are around humans, in our homes. Our homes are not protected from these undesirable visitors. On the contrary, the conditions that are generated today inside our homes, with rooms with air conditioning or heating, offer an ideal living space for many pests such as cockroaches, bed bugs, ants and rodents. For example, some cockroaches often enter the house with food or other goods (vegetables, boxes of drinks, etc.). Also problematic are buildings or neighborhood communities, with common garbage facilities or heating or ventilation ducts between apartments, through which an infestation can spread quickly if not controlled.

Cómo podemos ayudarte para…

Matar cucarachas

Kill Cockroaches

Cockroaches are dirty, disease-carrying insects. They can spread germs throughout the house very quickly.
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eliminar termitas en casa

Eliminate Termites

They don't show themselves until the damage is done. That is why timely detection by a termite expert and treatment to eliminate termites and termite mounds using baits is important.
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tratamientos para fumigar chinches de la cama

Fumigate Bed Bugs

You should not resort to home remedies to eliminate bed bugs as this will contribute to the spread of the infestation even further.
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Tratamiento para eliminar avispas

Eliminate Wasps

Wasps can cause serious disruption to homes or businesses when they begin to build their nests there.
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eliminar procesionaria del pino

Fumigar procesionaria del pino

Treatments to fumigate pines and eliminate pine processionary. The pine processionary causes hives and allergies in people and pets, through its stinging hairs.
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eliminar pulgas

Eliminate Fleas

Fleas can carry disease-causing organisms. A flea problem can also occur in places where dogs or cats are not present as flea larvae continue to develop.
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Tratamiento para acabar con las ratas

End Rats and Mice

Rats and mice cause health and economic problems. We must prevent and avoid its presence in our homes and companies.
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