Ticks are from the arachnid group. Their food is blood, especially from mammals and birds.
Tick infestations do not pose a serious problem for our homes, as long as they are well insulated and in good condition. But they can become a nuisance if they manage to make their way indoors. On some occasions, in old or dilapidated country houses, ticks can try to feed on us. It is known that there has been an increase in bites since 2004 and therefore diseases caused by ticks.
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Ticks attach to the skin, our clothes or our hair. They usually wait perched on plants and bushes until we pass by and attach themselves to us. Ticks cannot fly or jump. We often ask ourselves the question, how did ticks get into the house? Or how could it be that I have ticks at home? The normal thing is that they enter the house through our pets. We must be careful when we take the dog for a walk through weedy fields since ticks may be lurking there. A tick infestation can also be started by other animals such as mice or rats that live nearby.
Ticks can transmit serious diseases to us and our pets. They also cause irritation and discomfort.
Con la llegada del buen tiempo y el aumento de las actividades al aire libre, se incrementa la presencia de garrapatas y por lo tanto, de las enfermedades que pueden transmitir.
Ticks can infect mammals, birds, reptiles, among others because they are very effective at harboring microbes in their tissues. Ticks are vectors that can transmit diseases
According to a study, ticks have transmitted diseases for millions of years, through their bacteria. This conclusion has been reached through the study of ticks fossilized in amber.
Evitar la picadura de la garrapata es la mejor forma de prevenir las enfermedades que transmiten. Si ya te ha picado, retírala rápidamente.
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Remember that prevention and proper control are essential to protect you, your family and your pets from ticks and the diseases they can transmit. It is always best to take preventive measures and seek professional advice when necessary.
Treatment to eliminate ticks in public or private plots.
Treatment against ticks. We know how to get rid of tick infestations.