control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Opinions about Hygiene, pest control

¿Y qué piensan nuestros clientes de nosotros?

Our best guarantee? Our clients

En Higienisa sabemos de la importancia a la hora de escoger una empresa de control de plagas, que le asegure y lleve a cabo el servicio con total eficacia y garantía.

Las personas somos desconfiadas por naturaleza, sobre todo frente a lo desconocido o lo nuevo. Por eso, solemos buscar opiniones en Internet a cerca de la empresa que queremos contratar. En el caso de las empresas de control de plagas, tenemos que estar muy seguros de que empresa contratamos. Utilizamos productos biocidas que si no son usados de la forma adecuada, pueden causar problemas de salud en las persona y mascotas.
We deliver what we promise, consistently, over time. More than 40 years of experience prove it.
It is known that many companies or businesses, whatever type they are, buy positive reviews or evaluations. Be wary of companies that only have positive reviews and opinions. Here, in this section of the website, it is true that we reflect only positive opinions from real clients who have authorized us to publish their testimonials, to help you make a decision. But we also recognize that we get complaints and less good opinions from customers. If you are looking for information about Hygienisa, you will be able to find them. Not so good opinions or customer complaints are our driving force for continuous improvement. It is the best way we have to learn and improve our services and we value them even more than a positive comment.

Hygienic. Company with Soul

Real opinions about Hygiene, pest control

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
In relation to pest control treatments in chalets with gardens:
"Antes tenía miedo de las ratas, de las avispas, termitas, la procesionaria y demás. En los 10 años que lleva Higienisa ayudándome con todo eso, se me ha pasado ese miedo. Sé que solo tengo que coger el teléfono o mandar un mensaje y tengo un trato inmediato, personalizado, amable, flexible, fiable y profesional, a un precio muy razonable. No se me ocurre buscar a nadie más y recomiendo a Higienisa a todos mis amigos, y ellos me lo agradecen"
Dr. Verena von Bomhard San Juan de Alicante
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
About treatments to eliminate termites:
“Higienisa is made up of a good group of professionals, with many years of experience behind them. As the person in charge of the Sentri Tech anti-termite bait system for years, when I had to choose a company, I did not hesitate for a single moment. Their extensive experience with termites and other xylophages gave me security and guarantee, and this was demonstrated with good figures and with the satisfaction of their clients, which I was able to verify in the audits of their interventions. “It is a veteran company and very technically solvent”
Amador Barambio. Environmental Consultant and Advisor, Expert in Termites. Atty. Chemical Sciences
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
Regarding cockroach pest control in a two-story semi-detached house:
“They contacted us first and gave us a quote that was fairly quick and adjusted in price. We quickly set an execution date and they were punctual, doing a good job. We had to insist on disinfection because the extermination was not 100% and they did not pose any problem in returning and finishing the work at no additional cost. In general, very satisfied with the treatment, the speed, the price and the service in general”
JL Cobo Cockroach treatment client (Albufereta-Alicante)
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
Regarding treatment against termites and woodworms:
"Very satisfied. We chose Higienisa, apart from the speed of service, because of the professionalism demonstrated in the first visit"
Villas Leon Javea
Tratamiento contra termitas y carcomas
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
In relation to termite elimination treatments in Public Buildings (Rojales):
“Pretty good service. Everything offered so far has been good”
Rojales-Alicante City Council Termite removal services
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
In relation to pest control treatments:
"When I think about HIGIENISA, the image that comes to mind is always the same: TRUST, KINDNESS and CAPABILITY. And this is because their great team of people really cares about the work they do and about their clients. In addition, they give "It is very important to be permanently updated technically and this is evident in their actions."
Nerea Matellanes. Technical advice and training (Biologist)
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
About cockroach elimination in Valencia apartment:
"Everything was ok, to say the least, maybe more staff to provide a quick service, I requested the service on holidays and the technicians were quite saturated. I requested the service based on references from another person who did a service for them and they were satisfied"
L. Boix Cockroach elimination client (Valencia)
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
Sobre eliminación de termitero con cebo SentriTech HD:
“Thank you very much for your intervention at my beach house in Alicante. Your seriousness and professionalism has been a great relief against termites! Excellent workšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘”
María Jose Sevilla (Pilar de la Horadada-Alicante)
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
En relación a tratamiento para fumigar cucarachas:
"Good evening, the technician who came today was very professional and effective. I congratulate you for having employees like this, all that is needed is for everything done to be effective. Thank you šŸ˜‰"
Ramón Huguet Treatment to fumigate floor in Torrevieja
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
Regarding ant infestation control in Elche:
"No pudimos elegir mejor, desde el inicio hasta el final el trato y la profesionalidad han sido inmejorables, auténticos profesionales que saben muy bien lo que se hacen, si tengo otro problema no dudaré en volver a llamarlos."
Álvaro A. Cruz Ant pest control in Elche
opiniones higienisa twiter
In relation to treatment to eliminate bed bugs in Alicante:
"We were very satisfied with their service, speed and guaranteed quality"
Noelia Pérez Treatment to eliminate bed bugs in Alicante
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
About cockroach disinfection in Alicante apartment:
"The first thing I want to say is to recommend this company 100%, the second is that they have been very involved in the disinfection of my house, very attentive at all times, very friendly people when you call to ask for information, they understand your problem perfectly, and above all that they are serious, responsible and punctual, they inform and help in everything in their power. For all this, thank you very much for your attention and knowing how to understand and solve the problem, greetings."
Miguel Benito Disinfection of cockroaches in Alicante
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
About cockroach disinfestation in a bungalow (San Juan de Alicante):
"A very attentive and professional team. They did everything possible to solve our problem and we are eternally grateful. Thanks to the entire team of professionals at this company, especially Laura and Fede. Thank you so much!"
Yamira Martín Cockroach disinfestation in San Juan de Alicante
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
Regarding termite treatment in Jávea/Xàbia:
"Mr. José Tomás has installed the bait system in the garden and the frames of the 3 doors as planned. The service was professional and Mr. Tomás was pleasant and competent. I thank you for the termite elimination service. Best regards. "
A. El Cherif Treatment of termites in Jávea/Xàbia with baits
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
About cockroach treatment in an apartment in Playa de San Juan:
"Thank you very much for the work you did. A huge cockroach appeared in the bathroom but it went into the trap and did not come out. We did not see any more. What a pity that you are not in Madrid! Thank you for everything."
Mayte Llorente Treatment to eliminate cockroaches in the apartment of Playa de San Juan (Alicante)
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
About a treatment to eliminate termites in Torrent (Valencia):
"A very helpful, professional company with excellent treatment from start to finish, one hundred percent recommended. They have done a termite job in my country house and they have completely eliminated the problem. They have been very careful with the furniture and so on. "They are very professional and close in their personal treatment."
Alberto B. Rodríguez Treatment of termites in a villa in Torrent (Valencia)
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
In relation to a treatment to eliminate cockroaches in Elche (Alicante):
"Muy contento con el tratamiento que realizaron en la vivienda de mis padres contra cucarachas con gel y trampas y sobre todo por los consejos que nos dieron para evitar que siguiéramos viendo dentro de la vivienda. Ya ha pasado un año y ni una dentro de casa. 
Muy recomendable!!"
Kevin Andreu Treatment to eliminate cockroaches in Elche (Alicante)
Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa
About a pest control service in a Restaurant to obtain a Health Certificate (Alicante):
"Serious and very professional company."
Mª José Ibars
Certificado Sanidad para Control de Plagas en Restaurante (Alicante)
Cliente desinsectaciĆ³n Campello

Reseña sobre tratamientos de Desinsectación en Comunidad de Propietarios de El Campello (Alicante):

"We are a Community of Owners of El Campello and a few years ago we hired the company Higienisa to carry out disinfestation treatments, both in the community areas and in the homes. It is a serious and responsible company, its employees are efficient and friendly, and the results of their treatments are totally satisfactory."

Cristina Lozano

(Community President)

Disinfestation Treatments in El Campello (Alicante)

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

About treatment to eliminate termites with baits in a home in Beniarbeig (Alicante):

"Delighted with the service. 100% recommended. Magnificent service. Congratulations."

Manuel Dominguez

Eliminación de colonias de termitas con cebo SentriTech HD en Beniarbeig, Alicante.

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

In relation to termite treatment in Alginet (Valencia):

"Everything correct. Great professionals."

Nuria Gaurca

Termite treatment in Alginet (Valencia)

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

About a barrier treatment against termites in Xàtiva (Valencia):

"I am satisfied. I consider that the answer has been correct."


Tratamiento contra termitas en Xàtiva (Valencia)

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

About a treatment to kill cockroaches in Elda (Alicante):

"Quick response to the service request. Efficiency of the product applied. Good."

Raphael Keys

Disinfestation of cockroaches in Elda (Alicante)

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

Regarding a disinfestation treatment against scolopendra in Onil (Alicante):

"All very well"

Julio Pastor

Disinfestation of Scolopendra in Onil (Alicante)

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

About a Disinfestation to kill cockroaches in an apartment in Alicante:

"Very professional and kind!"


Disinfestation of cockroaches in Alicante

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

In relation to a cockroach disinfestation in Novelda (Alicante):

"Formal and efficient company, quick organization of work.

100% recommendable"

Immaculate Castile

Desinsectación de cucaracha germánica en Novelda (Alicante)

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

About a treatment to eliminate bed bugs in San Vicente del Raspeig:

"They came to give me a quote and the truth is that we loved the deal. They are super fast with their response and they also give you ideas."

Eva Abascal

Elimination of bed bugs in San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante)

Opiniones reales clientes Higienisa

Regarding a treatment to eliminate rats in Elche:

"Unbeatable service, both before and after hiring. They are quick and resolve all doubts. Of course if I have another problem I will return to Higienisa."

Now Ibáñez

Rat control to get rid of rats in Elche (Alicante)

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