control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Do you want to get rid of rats and mice?

Higienisa, a company of experts in rat extermination

Deratization: treatments to eliminate rats and mice

Rat and mouse fumigation service throughout the province of Alicante

Rodents act as vectors, carrying and transmitting pathogens of different diseases, directly or through contaminated food. Diseases caused by rats and mice include plague (rat flea), Weil's disease and leptospirosis, typhoid fever, trichinosis and salmonellosis. The "Great Plague" of London killed half of the city's population. In the 14th century, Europe's "Black Death" lasted 50 years and killed 25 million people. In the first quarter of the 20th century, approximately 11 million people died in Asia from the plague. Pathogens are transmitted to people mainly by the oriental rat flea. The flea bites an infected rat and then, by feeding on humans, inoculates people with disease-causing bacteria. The plague still exists in several areas of the world.

We carry out deratization treatments to eliminate rats and mice in Alicante

Rats and mice, always keeping pace with human civilization

What types of rats and mice can I find at home?

Rodents have spread across all continents as a result of global trade and the movement of goods. But there are three species that are the most common pest in our homes: Gray or sewer rat (Rattus norvegicus) Black or field rat (Rattus rattus) House mouse (Mus musculus) These rodents live associated with human populations and adapt both to temperate and cold climates.

How can I have an infestation of rats and mice at home?

Poorly constructed buildings or houses are an invitation for rodents. They can enter our homes through cracks and openings to look for food. Rats and mice are relatively intelligent animals that can adapt well to new circumstances. But they are very distrustful of the changes in the territory. However, not all treatments to eliminate rats and mice are treated in the same way. We usually have to adapt deratization to the biological characteristics of the rodent species.

What damage can rats and mice cause at home if I don't do rat control?

Los roedores pueden causar graves daños en tu casa porque destrozan e infestan nuestra comida y la de nuestras mascotas. Tanto ratas como ratones son responsables de este tipo de daños. Estas plagas roen y contaminan nuestros bienes. Si las ratas o los ratones hacen un pequeño agujero en el saco de la comida de nuestras mascotas, puede ser que lo rechacen.

Los roedores también destruyen otros materiales, incluso plásticos, cables eléctricos o metales, pudiendo provocar cortocircuitos o incendios.

Deratization: treatments to eliminate rats and mice

To get rid of rats we use deratization treatments in which we give the rodents mainly poisons in the form of edible bait. The poison takes effect after a short time. For this reason, rodents do not die where they have eaten the bait, thus avoiding distrust of the food by other rats. The house mouse is less sensitive to poisons than rats. Therefore, it requires a relatively larger amount of active ingredient. This is because mice eat small amounts in different places. Consequently, we have to put mouse bait in as many places as possible.

What poisons do we use to kill rats and mice?

For an effective deratization treatment we must know the details of the rodents' territory and where they are moving. This is especially important with mice because they only move in a small radius around their nests. We can track your activity by following your feces and tracks. The professional products that we use in a treatment against rats and mice contain an attractive base that they enjoy eating. We use these products to eliminate rats or mice in various formulations, for example, as ready-to-use bait, pellets, solid block bait or liquid.
desratizaciĆ³n tratamiento ratas ratones

Stages of a deratization treatment to eliminate rats and mice

We work in all towns (Benidorm, Torrevieja, Elche, Denia, Crevillente, ...)

Situation diagnosis

Inspection to determine the entry points of rodents, identification of the species and search for traces.

Action program

We carry out the most appropriate treatment for the rodent species detected and indicate the measures to correct to prevent the reappearance of the pest.


Through monitoring, we assess whether it is necessary to carry out any new deratization treatment to eliminate the rats or mice.

Summary of deratization treatments to eliminate rats and mice:

Rodents contaminate and infest food, and can transmit many different diseases. Three species are the most common in our environment: gray or sewer rat (Rattus norvegicus), black or field rat (Rattus rattus) and house mouse (Mus musculus). A deratization treatment to eliminate rats and mice should include an evaluation to determine the type of rodent, its territory and how many there are (infestation density). Choose the most appropriate treatment to eliminate rats and mice, depending on each case.
Say goodbye to rats and mice. We carry out reliable and economical deratization treatments.

Treatments to eliminate rats and mice most in demand:


Deratization treatment at home.
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Deratization to get rid of rats.
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Treatment to eliminate house mice.
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