control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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965 952 750

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Hygienist | disinfection treatments

We are a company dedicated to hygiene and environmental health. We are specialized in virus disinfection treatments. We offer disinfection service in the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Murcia

DISINFECTION is the best SOLUTION to lower the possible viral load of your facilities.

If you need to disinfect your office, school, vehicle or neighborhood community, CALL US.

Call us 965 952 750

Hygienic, DISINFECTING for you

Video from ANECPLA (National Association of Pest Control Companies)
Call 965 952 750


To carry out a correct disinfection and decontamination of a space that may have recently had the presence of any type of virus, a deep knowledge of the agent to be eliminated is required. The case that currently concerns us most is the species causing the current disease and thus being able to apply the best disinfection and decontamination procedures. Two types of situations can arise: the presence in the facilities has been confirmed or simply the need to carry out preventive action. In both cases it will be up to the technical manager to establish the action program.
Our Technicians have Level 2 Professional Certificates, equivalent to qualifications with a minimum of 290 hours of theoretical training and 80 hours of practice.

CERTIFIED Treatments

Usamos desinfectantes autorizados por el Ministerio de Sanidad

"Cleaning is not always disinfecting"

Our Disinfection service goes where cleaning can't go!

Call us 965 952 750

We certify and certify that a premises or establishment has been correctly disinfected and with all the guarantees against CORONAVIRUS.

We deliver Certificate and official documentation required by the Health Departments
Call 965 952 750

We issue an Official Disinfection Certificate We are registered in the official health registry to perform these services 0341CV-0305CV | CIF-B03815669

"We disinfect for you" We break the chain of transmission in your facilities.

We work disinfecting throughout the province of Alicante, Valencia and Murcia, in any of its towns. We are providing disinfection services against viruses in schools, supermarkets, pharmacies, offices, neighborhood communities, vehicles, etc.

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Services for control and prevention of Legionella


Home disinfection treatment by spraying approved disinfectant.
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Disinfection of business or commerce by nebulizing virucidal disinfectant. Treatment with authorized disinfection certificate.
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Desinfecciones Alicante, Valencia y Murcia


Office disinfection against viruses. Certified Treatment.
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Desinfecciones Alicante, Valencia y Murcia


Disinfection of Schools. We protect your health, that of the students and that of those around you.
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