control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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About us?

your pest control and disinfection company


Our history: improvement, specialization and pleasure in what we do

Allá por el verano del año 76, Juan Burgos (Ingeniero Agrícola), el fundador de Higienisa, comenzó su andadura en el ámbito del control de plagas en la provincia de Alicante. Cuenta que empezó con 14.000 pesetas prestadas con las que compró una máquina de pulverizar, el insecticida, un cubo de latón con dos brochas y una mochila para transportar todo. Utilizando el autobús y otras veces a pie, se lanzó a la calle a convencer a los establecimientos de hostelería para que realizaran los tratamientos contra plagas, haciéndoles ver la repercusión negativa que tendría si un cliente veía una cucaracha correteando por el comedor "lo que han cambiado los tiempos".

But it was not until 1990 when he founded Higienisa. From that moment on, a new era began in pest control in Alicante.

Higienisa established itself as one of the most recommended pest control companies in Alicante and was a pioneer in disinfection treatments in Hotels in Benidorm, for the control and prevention of Legionella.

Today, Higienisa is in good hands. Its reins are held by the founder's children. New blood impregnated with many years of experience.

Since that moment, the company has been a reference in urban pest control and especially in treatments for wood pests (termites and woodworms) since it is committed every day to incorporating the most effective techniques and equipment, combined with a deep knowledge of the pest to control.

Higienisa continues to grow and provides pest control services in Alicante, Valencia, Castellón, Murcia and Albacete, being one of the companies with the most experience in the sector.

We deliver what we promise, consistently, over time. More than 40 years of experience prove it.

Our Mission and Vision


We exist for a simple reason: to ensure that your Home or Business improves its environmental health, maintaining a Healthy Living, Leisure and Work environment, free of pests and harmful organisms that could harm you or harm the image of your business, always using the best techniques. and products with the least impact on the environment.


To become the preferred and benchmark company in the Pest Control and Environmental Health sector, offering our clients excellent service, establishing a solid and lasting relationship of trust and closeness, based on daily effort and commitment that is demonstrated with facts and not with words.

Health and Wellbeing (Safety)

Our commitment is to create healthy environments to improve the quality of life. That is why all our pest control services are aimed at taking care of your health, your facilities and your brand.


Pest control treatments must be as effective as possible, taking into account the target species (pest), the application technique, the type of facilities, etc. With more than 40 years of experience, we know very well how we can help you.

Total Confidence

Garantizamos los tratamientos por contrato. Su satisfacción es nuestra mayor recompensa. Nos gusta cumplir lo que decimos 😉

Some Hygienisa data to show off


Floor fumigations carried out (cockroaches)


Hours Invested in Training Our Technicians


Years of Experience in the Pest Control Sector

98,5 %

Satisfied customers

Certificates and qualifications

At Higienisa we have 9001 quality and 14001 environmental certifications, demonstrating our ability to meet customer needs.

Certificado calidad Higienisa
Certificado medio ambiente Higienisa
igeo expert control de plagas

Certificate obtained under the framework of the iGEO Awards EUROPE. We were awarded first place as the company with the highest percentage of work orders with deficiencies detected in customer facilities. This allows us to distinguish ourselves from other pest control companies on the planet.

We have achieved this due to the great team of technicians that are part of Higienisa. Thanks to their commitment and know-how, we were able to detect possible deficiencies in our clients' facilities. Thus, we manage to reduce the risk of pest proliferation, making the minimum use of biocides possible.


Reglamento (UE 2016/679 del parlamento europeo y del consejo de 27 de Abril de 2016 relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos.

certificado protección de datos Higienisa


Higienisa forma parte de ANECPLA (Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Sanidad Ambiental), ANECPSA (Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Control de Plagas y Sanidad Ambiental) Y cepa (Asociación Europea de Empresas de Control de Plagas), las asociaciones de referencia a nivel nacional y europeo del sector de control de plagas.

Belonging to these important associations supports the quality of our services. They work to promote the technical knowledge, training and permanent innovation of their associates with the aim of improving the services we offer to our clients. In addition, they promote the highest deontological and professional standards among their associates and allow us to stay up to date with all the latest developments in the sector at a technical level, legal regulation, training and social responsibility.

Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Sanidad Ambiental
Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Control de Plagas y Sanidad Ambiental
Cepa Asociación Europea de Empresa de Control de Plagas

Advantages of hiring Higienisa as an Environmental Health company, member of ANECPLA, ANECPSA and CEPA

  • More than 40 years of experience

    We are an environmental health and pest control company that daily provides specialized professional services of Disinfestation, Deratization and Disinfection.

  • Legality

    Estamos inscritos en un Registro Oficial Sanitario  (ROESB 0341CV-0305CV) para realizar estos servicios y somos objeto de inspecciones periódicas de la Administración Sanitaria.

  • Commitment

    We are members of the National Association of Environmental Health Companies (ANECPLA). We have to comply with legal requirements and we are also committed to complying with a Code of Ethics.

  • Know to do

    We carry out pest control treatments (disinfestation, deratization and disinfection) following all good practice procedures included in legal provisions.

  • We adapt to your needs

    We design customized pest control and disinfection plans. These include a diagnosis of the situation and an action program.

  • Sanity certificate

    We accredit and certify that an establishment meets the pest control and environmental hygiene requirements, with all the guarantees against Health, with the required official documentation. We deliver a Certificate of Service.

  • Tranquillity

    We have specific Civil Liability insurance that includes our disinfestation, deratization and disinfection activities.

  • Our Applicator Technicians

    Our Applicator Technicians have the Level 2 Professional Certificate, equivalent to qualifications with a minimum of 290 hours of theoretical training and 80 hours of practice and know:

  • Our Technical Managers

    We have Technical Managers who have Bachelor's Degrees (Environmental Specialists) and Environmental Health Technicians with a Professional Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Education, with a minimum of 430 hours of theoretical training and 80 hours of practice.

¿Nuestra Mejor Garantía? 

Our clients

Garantía clientes Higienisa

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Hygienic. Company with Soul

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