Pests are more common than we think. Until we have an infestation of cockroaches or termites at home, we think that this is something from the movies. But it's not like that. We are surrounded by pests. They live around us. When we have a plague at home we say...they have invaded us!! But in reality, we are also the ones who are invading them, occupying their natural environment and causing them to affect us in our daily lives. Our mission is to keep pests at bay and control them so that they do not become a nuisance to us.
The insects range in size from just a few millimeters to as large as nine inches. They feed on almost anything that can be eaten. They live in both darkness and bright daylight, in cold areas of ice and snow as well as in places of extreme heat.
All these factors cause insects to form very numerous groups, which are a nuisance to man and his environment. Hence the great importance of pest control companies.
We must not forget about rodent pests. They act as vectors, transporting and transmitting pathogens of different diseases, directly or through contaminated food.