control de plagas, desinfecciones y fumigaciones en Alicante

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Hygiene, pest control

Services in Alicante, Valencia and Murcia

Pest problems in our environment

Muchas plagas encuentran lugares ideales para vivir y multiplicarse cerca de los hábitats humanos. Estamos rodeados de lugares con calor y humedad, con abundantes alimentos, escondites por todas partes perfectos para su reproducción. La mayoría de estas especies se adaptan rápidamente a su entorno y aprenden a sobrevivir en circunstancias que van cambiando continuamente.

Estas plagas siempre han acompañado a los humanos y se sienten como en casa, particularmente en lugares donde vivimos juntos, como pueden ser las zonas residenciales y urbanas.
Call toll-free at 900 878 406
Under these conditions, and more specifically in warm regions such as Alicante, Valencia and Murcia, they not only present a danger because they are carriers of infectious diseases: increasingly, insects and rodents are carriers of microorganisms that they themselves transport. Many pests, in their search for food and water, move through garbage (the ideal breeding ground for a wide variety of unwanted microorganisms). But when they get close to the kitchen of our home or restaurant, a food warehouse or a clinic, they spread pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi and other infectious organisms). This is why pests, when they coexist among us, present a great health risk.

Where can we find a pest problem?

control plaga cucarachas

Homes and communities of owners:

In a globalized world, we can have bed bug infestations at home. The most common are cockroaches, termites and rodents.


Industries in which processes are carried out where food is prepared or processed: industrial bakeries, meat and vegetable processing plants, beverage bottling plants, slaughterhouses.

Companies and businesses:

Offices, premises, shops, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, bars, catering, means of transportation.

Instalaciones públicas

Hospitals, schools, daycare centers, swimming pools, public buildings, sewers, garbage dumps, among others.
Para un adecuado control de plagas en áreas grandes, es necesario un profundo conocimiento y experiencia dilatada, algo que generalmente solo tienen empresas con profesionales capacitados.

Una comprensión sólida de la biología de las especies de cada plaga, como sus patrones de comportamiento y hábitos alimenticios, así como el conocimiento de todas las medidas adecuadas para el control de cada especie, son una parte fundamental para un efectivo control de plagas por profesionales.

del experto en control de plagas

How do we implement a Pest Control Plan?

To carry out pest control measures correctly, we must answer the following questions:

How should I carry out a correct evaluation of the client's facilities?

What biological characteristics do different pests have and how do they affect my control strategy?

What strategies and technologies can I use as part of Integrated Pest Control?

What biocide products can I use to control the pest? What should I pay special attention to during its application?

Which pest control treatments are safe and especially environmentally friendly?

How can I successfully complete a pest control treatment without unnecessarily disrupting the client's business?

What procedures are most appropriate in sensitive areas such as hospitals, schools or industrial kitchens?

What laws or official regulations must we follow and respect?
At Higienisa we answer each of these questions. We are a professional pest control services company with highly qualified personnel. We offer a complete pest control service, as well as food safety consulting, providing comprehensive support to our clients. The biocide products we use as part of Comprehensive Pest Control programs meet the most recent technological standards. We adapt optimally to meet the client's specific needs and solve their specific problems. We guarantee practical and safe pest control, in accordance with the success that the client expects.
The pest control treatments we carry out near people's living and working environments comply with all established safety standards. But even so, we are highly aware of the environment, prioritizing the use of corrective measures and treatments without biocides, or in the last case, treatments with the lowest environmental impact.
Call toll-free at 900 878 406

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