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Treatments to eliminate termites: Alicante, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete

We are experts in eliminating termites and woodworms (xylophages)

Eliminate Termites in Alicante, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete

Xylophages, which include termites, woodworms and rot fungi, are pests that affect the wood of buildings and homes. Termites are voracious and destroy beams, door frames, windows, cabinets, furniture, books, etc. The damage they can cause if not combated effectively can be enormous.
Higienisa is a company formed by specialists in termite and woodworm treatments. We know how to detect the problem, how to treat it and how to prevent it. We can always arrive on time with excellent results to end termite and woodworm problems.
We are experts in termite treatments and we provide services in Alicante, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete.

What should I do if I think I have termites?

If you see any signs that make you suspect you have termites, request a free inspection. Our expert termite technicians will come quickly, diagnose and advise you for free. We are experts in termite treatments.

What are the treatments against termites?

sistema de cebos para eliminar termitas

SentriTech HD: Bait treatment that eliminates termite mounds

A revolutionary technique that has the ability to progressively destroy the termite colony. Anti-termite bait (cellulose material impregnated with biocide) is placed in the SentriTech stations. The worker termites head there and in their search for food, they find and consume the bait. Subsequently, these worker termites exchange food with the other termite castes and communicate the position of the food source. Hexaflumuron (insecticide), ingested together with cellulose, blocks the molting of termites. Its disappearance is inevitable! Without risks for man or the environment. The mode of action of the insecticide hexaflumuron is the inhibition of chitin synthesis, which prevents the molting process of termites. It is specific for this type of insects and has no effect on humans or domestic animals.
SentriTech HD, elimination of termite mounds (click to see video)
Termites: bait treatment (click to see video)

Wood protection treatment: injections/chemical barrier

El objetivo inmediato de este tratamiento es eliminar y repeler las termitas. A largo plazo su función es la de proteger ante futuros ataques.

This anti-termite treatment requires that the protective product penetrates the interior of the wood and expands through it in order to eliminate the greatest number of termites found in it while at the same time immunizing the wood, protecting it against the danger of new attacks by xylophagous insects.

Injection into wood consists of introducing (using an injection system) a product that consists of an insecticide (to control termites and other xylophagous insects) combined with a fungicide (to control xylophagous fungi) together with the carrier, which is usually a solvent and natural oils that reinforce and nourish the wood.

Once the perforations have been made, special injector plugs are placed in them, since they are equipped with a valve with a retention system that prevents the product from recoiling when it is applied at high pressure. This pressure is properly controlled and is appropriate to the characteristics of the treated wood.

With the valves already in place, the necessary dose of the formulated product begins to be injected under pressure through each of these. The injection of the product under pressure allows its dispersion inside the wooden elements to be treated through the natural ducts of the wood, vessels, spokes, etc. As well as the galleries and tunnels excavated by termites expanding throughout the wood, thus performing its double function: curative and preventive.

inyectores para realizar tratamientos de termitas

TermiFilm, preventive insulating treatment: physical-chemical barrier against termites

Pre-construction treatment with polyethylene film, very high resistance for protection against termites, adapted to all types of buildings and works. This preventive treatment creates an effective and impassable anti-termite barrier. Conceived with an innovative technology: the termiticide molecules are grafted directly into the polyethylene, forming part of the polymer chain. Its resistance to ultraviolet rays is reinforced for larger works.
Certificado anti termitas
Certificado anti termitas

What treatments do we have against woodworms in furniture or wooden beams?

Depending on whether the elements to be treated are furniture or structural elements, the following treatments can be done:
tratamiento anti carcoma en mueble

Spraying with biocidal products for professional use.

Spraying or brushing with insecticidal gels with high penetration into the wood.

With cold at minus 12º C or heat at plus 60º C.

Various injections through exit holes, etc.

By immersion in pools of anti-woodworm insecticide product.

By treatment in autoclaves.

With very toxic gases such as aluminum phosphide.

Other gases: atmospheres modified with CO2.

Treatments to eliminate termites in Alicante, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete

From our company we offer services to eliminate termites in all towns. Below we show some in which we have recently carried out treatments to eliminate termites:


    AgostAlcoi/AlcoyAlfaz del Pi/L'Alfàs del PiAlnoradíAlteaAspeBenidormBenijófarBenissaCampello/El CampelloCalp/CalpeCallosa de SeguraCastallaCrevillente/CrevillentDeniaElcheEldaFinestratGuguratGuardamave/MòverMover xamelNoveldaLa NucíaOndaraOrihuela/OriolaPedreguerPetrel/PetrerPilar of the HoradadaRojalesSant Joan d'AlicanteSanta PolaSan Vicente del RaspeigSaxRoofTorreviejaLa Vila Joiosa/VillajoyosaVillena


    Alaska andPuçol/PuzolPuebla de VallbonaCuart de Poblet/QuartRibarroja del TuriaRocafortSillaSaguntoTavernes de la ValldignaTorrent/TorrenteXàtiva/JátivaXirivella/ChirivellaValencia


    Murcia cityCartagenaLorcaMolina de SeguraAlcantarillaTorre PachecoSan JavierCaravaca de la CruzJumillaSan Pedro del PinatarAlhama de MurciaLas Torres de CotillasLa UniónMulaFuente Álamo de MurciaSantomeraLos AlcázaresCehegínBullas


    Albacete cityHellínAlmansaLa RodaCaudeteTobarraTarazona de la ManchaBurdsHouses-IbáñezChinchilla de Monte-AragónVillamaleaMontealegre del CastilloMahoraHouses of Juan Núñez

Advice from our termite expert

Higienisa recommends prevention as the best control measure. We can inspect your facilities and help you with the best solution. Request a free termite inspection. We will work with you to develop a personalized program to determine the termite or woodworm treatment that best suits your needs.

Photos of treatments to eliminate termites with SentriTech HD bait

Photos of anti-termite and woodworm treatments

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