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Treatments to fumigate pines and eliminate the pine processionary in Alicante

We know how to eliminate the pine processionary with endotherapy or pine fumigation

Treatments to fumigate pines and eliminate pine processionary (Alicante)

The pine processionary is one of the pests that affects Mediterranean pine forests. The caterpillars move in a group in a line, as if they were in a procession. Hence its common name "Processionaria".
Uno de los factores clave para realizar un tratamiento efectivo contra una plaga de procesionaria del pino es conocer el su ciclo biológico. Por eso, hay que saber cuando hay que empezar a controlar esta plaga, ya que las orugas son muy pequeñas y por lo tanto más vulnerables a cualquier tratamiento. Si dejamos que estas crezcan y construyan sus característicos bolsones blancos en los pinos, nos será mucho más difícil hacer un tratamiento para fumigar pinos y acabar con la procesionaria del pino.
We are experts in pine processionary treatments in Alicante

Tratamientos para eliminar procesionaria del pino | Fumigar pinos

The Pine Processionary causes two types of damage:

1. Loss of needles (this is what the leaves of Conifers are called). The caterpillars, by feeding on the needles during the winter, cause them to fall and dry out, giving the pine trees an ugly aesthetic appearance. Furthermore, being weakened makes it easier for other pests and fungi to attack. 2. Hives and allergies in people and pets. The processionary can cause irritation to the skin, eyes and nose. The causes of this are the stinging hairs with which the processionary caterpillars are covered. These hairs float and disperse with the wind.

How to eliminate pine processionary?

You have to pay attention with children so that they do not touch the caterpillars. In domestic animals, it is necessary to ensure that they do not touch or suck the caterpillars as they can cause suffocation. You should also not let them touch the white pockets or nests that have fallen.
CALL NOW AND WE WILL HELP YOU ELIMINATE PINE PROCESSIONARY. We have several types of treatments against processionary. One of them is a biological processionary control treatment.

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