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Rats and Mice

The presence of rats and mice not only constitutes a nuisance, but also a serious threat to public health and urban hygiene. These rodents are vectors of dangerous diseases, capable of transmitting pathogens through their urine, feces and saliva. Furthermore, their tendency to gnaw can damage urban infrastructure and cables, which poses a risk to the safety of buildings and public services.

Faced with this challenge, pest control becomes essential, combining specific treatments such as deratization with preventive measures. Among the latter, correct waste management and community education on cleaning habits play a crucial role in minimizing its presence.

We will focus on three species in particular: the common mouse (Mus musculus), the sewer rat (Rattus norvegicus) and the field or black rat (Rattus rattus) and we will explore the dangers associated with these urban pests, as well as the best strategies. effective for its treatment and prevention, thus ensuring a safer and healthier environment for everyone.

eliminate rats and mice alicante - eliminate rats and mice

Dangers or risks of rats and mice in urban or country environments

Risks to public health and safety

The presence of rats and mice in urban or rural environments poses various risks:

    Disease Transmission: Rodents can carry serious diseases such as leptospirosis, salmonellosis and hantavirus, which can be transmitted to humans through their urine, feces and saliva. Property Damage: Rodents have the ability to damage structures, electrical cables, pipes and stored food, which can result in significant economic losses. Fire risk: Rodents can gnaw electrical cables, increasing the risk of short circuits and possible fires.

Impact on the ecosystem and agriculture

The proliferation of rats and mice in natural and agricultural environments can have serious consequences, including:

    Predation of birds and reptiles: Rats and mice can prey on eggs and hatchlings of birds and reptiles, endangering biodiversity. Destruction of crops: Rats and mice can damage agricultural crops, affecting food production and causing economic losses for the farmers.

Do you have a rat or mouse problem in your home or business?

Contact us. We are experts in eliminating rats and mice.

More than 40 years of experience support us.


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Tipos de roedores en España considerados como plagas

common mouse

Mus musculus

The common mouse is a small and adaptable species that is widely distributed in Spain. It is known for its rapid reproductive capacity and its ability to infiltrate human structures in search of shelter and food.

Ratón común (Mus musculus)

Mus musculus

    Size: Small, between 6 and 10 cm long (body) plus a tail similar in length. Color: They can vary, but are generally gray or brown. Diet: They are omnivores and feed on a wide variety of foods, including grains, seeds, fruits, insects and food waste. Reproduction: They have a high reproduction rate and can have several litters in a year, each with several individuals. Habitat: They adapt to various environments and can live both indoors and outdoors, building nests in protected areas.
Rata de alcantarilla (Rattus norvegicus)

Rattus norvegicus

    Size: Medium to large, between 20 and 30 cm long (body) plus a tail of similar size. Color: They are usually brown or gray. Diet: They are omnivores and consume a wide range of foods, including grains, fruits , meat and food waste.Reproduction: They have a high reproduction rate and can have several litters in a year, each with several individuals.Habitat: They adapt well to urban environments and are usually found in areas close to food sources and shelter, such as sewers, garbage cans, and buildings.

Rata de alcantarilla

Rattus norvegicus

The sewer rat is a larger and more aggressive species. It is commonly found in urban areas and easily adapts to different environments. Its ability to reproduce rapidly and its resistance to control methods make it a persistent pest.

Rat of camp

Rattus rattus

The field or black rat is found mainly in rural and agricultural areas. It is agile, climbs and feeds on a wide variety of foods. Its presence can affect agricultural production and represents a risk to public health.

Rata de campo o negra (Rattus rattus)

Rattus rattus

    Size: Medium, between 16 and 24 cm long (body) plus a tail of similar or longer length. Color: They can vary, but are generally black or gray. Diet: They are omnivorous and feed on a wide variety of foods, including grains, fruits, seeds and food waste. Reproduction: They have a high reproduction rate and can have several litters in a year, each with several individuals. Habitat: They adapt well to rural and agricultural environments, but can also be found in urban areas. They build nests in protected areas, such as in vegetation or abandoned structures.

Professional treatments to eliminate rats and mice

Control and extermination methods

To control and exterminate rats and mice, it is essential to have professional treatments carried out by pest control experts. Some common methods include:

Eliminar ratas y ratones por empresa de control de plagas

Inspección y evaluación

A pest control expert conducts a thorough inspection to identify the extent of the infestation and determine the appropriate approach

Exclusion and sealing

Entry points are identified and sealed to prevent rodents from accessing structures.

Traps and baits

Specific traps and baits are used to capture and eliminate rodents safely and effectively.

Tratamientos químicos

In more severe cases, chemical treatments can be applied to specific areas to control the rodent population.

Do you want to eliminate rats and mice from your home?

Contact us. We are experts in eliminating rats and mice.

More than 40 years of experience support us.

Frequently asked questions about rats and mice

  • How can I identify the presence of rats or mice on my property?

    You can identify the presence of rats or mice through signs such as feces, traces of grease on the walls, damage to gnawed cables or pipes, noises at night and the presence of nests or burrows.

  • Is it dangerous to try to eliminate rats or mice on your own?

    Do-it-yourself removal of rats and mice can be dangerous due to associated risks, such as contact with diseases transmitted by these rodents and improper use of poisons. It is recommended to hire pest control professionals for safe and effective removal.

  • Rats and mice can transmit serious diseases such as leptospirosis, salmonellosis, hantavirosis and Weil's disease, among others, through their urine, feces and saliva.

  • What is the best method to safely capture and remove rats and mice?

    The best method to safely capture and eliminate rats and mice is by using specific traps and baits designed for these rodents. Pest control professionals use effective and safe methods to control the rat and mouse population.

  • How long does it take to eliminate a rat or mouse infestation?

    The time required to eliminate a rat or mouse infestation can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the methods used. In general, it may require several treatments and an ongoing approach to ensure complete removal.

  • Can rats and mice climb walls or vertical structures?

    Yes, rats and mice have climbing skills and can climb walls, pipes, and vertical structures with relative ease.

  • How can I prevent rats and mice from entering my home or business?

    Para evitar que las ratas y ratones ingresen a tu hogar o negocio, es importante sellar  todas las posibles entradas, como grietas en las paredes, aberturas en puertas y ventanas, y huecos alrededor de tuberías y cables. Además, mantener una buena higiene y eliminar fuentes de alimentos y refugio  también ayuda a disuadir su presencia.

  • What are the signs of a serious rat or mouse infestation?

    Signs of a severe rat or mouse infestation include the frequent presence of feces, damage to wires or pipes, noises at night, sightings of live or dead rodents, and the presence of nests or burrows.

  • Can rats and mice transmit diseases to my pets?

    Yes, rats and mice can transmit diseases to pets, including diseases transmitted through their urine, feces, and saliva. It is important to protect pets from exposure to rodents and keep their resting and feeding areas clean and safe.

  • What should I do if I find a rat or mouse nest on my property?

    Si encuentras un nido de ratas o ratones en tu propiedad, es importante evitar el contacto directo y manipulación. Se recomienda contactar a profesionales en control de plagas para una eliminación segura y efectiva del nido y para abordar la infestación en general.

Tips and home remedies for rats and mice

To prevent the presence of rats and mice, as well as to complement professional treatments, the following measures are recommended:

Maintain hygiene

Mantén limpios los espacios interiores y exteriores, asegurándote de desechar la basura correctamente y mantener los alimentos almacenados en recipientes herméticos.

Sellado de huecos y grietas

Seal any gaps or cracks in structures to prevent rodents from entering.

¿Quieres saber más sobre las ratas y ratones?

Access our section: 20 questions to know everything about rats and mice

Recuerda que, si tienes dudas o necesitas asistencia profesional, es recomendable contactar con una empresa de profesionales en la eliminación de ratas y ratones, como Higienisa. Estaremos preparados para brindarte asesoramiento y servicios especializados.

Our treatments to eliminate rats and mice

Disinfection of rats and mice

Spray rats or mice. Effective and fast treatment.

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Deratization Service

Treatment to eliminate rats or mice with the newest techniques.

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Treatment to eliminate rats and mice

Treatment to eliminate rats or mice in your home or apartment in Alicante. Treatments against rodents without a safety period.

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