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Fleas are small parasitic insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They are tiny, measuring 1 to 3 millimeters long, and can spread quickly among pets and in the home.

Flea bites can cause irritation and discomfort to people and their pets. Symptoms include intense itching, small red spots on the skin where the fleas bit, and even inflammation. Prolonged exposure to flea bites can lead to allergies and other skin conditions.

Fleas go through several stages in their life cycle. The egg, larva, and pupa stages occur in the environment, usually in or near where their hosts live. Once they emerge as adults, female fleas seek out hosts to feed on their blood and lay their eggs.

To control flea infestation, it is important to treat both pets with an anti-flea product and the environment with insecticides to eliminate eggs and larvae. Deep cleaning of the home and bedding is essential.

eliminate fleas - fumigate fleas - flea treatment

Types of Fleas in Spain:

Complete Guide for Identification and Control

Fleas are small parasitic insects that feed on the blood of animals, including humans. These pests can cause discomfort, intense itching, and transmit diseases to their hosts. In this article, we will explore the different types of fleas found in Spain, as well as methods to eliminate and prevent them.

If you have a flea problem at home, in the garden or in the field, contact a specialist.

At Higienisa we are experts in treatments and services to eliminate fleas.


Effective methods to eliminate fleas from home

Eliminating fleas from the home is essential to maintaining a healthy environment free of infestations. Here are some effective methods:

1. Thorough cleaning: Vacuum and wash all surfaces, carpets, bedding and furniture where fleas can hide. Be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag immediately.

2. Chemical treatment: Use specific insecticides for fleas in infested areas. Follow product instructions and take precautions to protect pets and people during the process.

3. Heat Treatment: Wash pet bedding and clothing at high temperatures to kill fleas and their eggs. You can also use heat dryers on clothes that cannot be washed.

4. Pet Control: Treat your pets with appropriate flea products and consult a veterinarian for additional recommendations.

Do you have a flea problem?

Contact us. We are experts in eliminating fleas.

More than 40 years of experience support us.


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Types of fleas in Spain

Tengo pulgas en casa

Flea del Gato (Ctenocephalides Felis)

The cat flea is the most common species of domestic flea in Spain. It feeds on the blood of cats, dogs and other pets. These fleas are agile jumpers and can cause intense itching and allergic reactions in their hosts.


Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides Canis)

The dog flea is similar to the cat flea and is also common in Spain. It is found in dogs, cats and other animals. It can cause itching and transmit diseases if not properly controlled.


Human Flea (Flea Irritant)

The human flea can affect people and occasionally domestic animals. Although it prefers human hosts, it can also infest pets. These fleas can transmit diseases and cause itching and skin irritation.

Professional flea control treatments

If the flea infestation is severe or persistent, it is advisable to seek the help of pest control professionals. Some professional treatments include:

Spray treatment

Professionals apply flea-specific insecticides to infested areas, ensuring complete and effective coverage.

Tratamiento de nebulización

A fogger is used to disperse insecticides as fine particles into the air, allowing the treatment to reach hard-to-reach areas.

heat treatment

Experts use special heat equipment to raise the temperature in the home and eliminate fleas and their eggs at all stages of development.

Consejos, remedios y preguntas frecuentes sobre las pulgas

Tips to prevent flea infestations

To prevent flea infestations, it is recommended to follow these tips:

1. Maintain good hygiene: Regularly vacuum and wash pet bedding. It is also important to bathe and brush your pets regularly.

2. Pet control: Use appropriate anti-flea products for your pets, such as collars, shampoos and pipettes, following the veterinarian's recommendations.

Home remedies to control fleas

Although professional treatments are more effective, some home remedies can provide temporary relief. Some popular home remedies include:

1. Apple cider vinegar bath: Mix water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts and apply the solution to your pet's fur. This can help temporarily repel fleas.

2. Use of repellent plants: Some plants, such as catnip, mint or lavender, may have natural repellent properties against fleas.

Frequently asked questions about fleas

  • Fleas can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with infested animals, such as dogs or cats. They can also jump from one animal to another or be carried by rodents.

  • What are the signs of a flea infestation in pets?

    Signs of a pet flea infestation include excessive itching, frequent licking and biting, visible fleas on the fur, blackheads (flea feces) on the skin, and redness or skin irritation.

  • Can fleas live in carpets and furniture?

    Yes, fleas can live in carpets, furniture, and other areas of the house. Flea larvae develop in these places, while adult fleas jump on pets or humans to feed.

  • Can fleas transmit diseases to humans?

    Yes, fleas can transmit diseases to humans. Some of the most common diseases transmitted by fleas include bubonic plague, bat disease, and bartonellosis.

  • Do fleas die in winter?

    Fleas can survive in cold climates during the winter. They may take shelter inside homes or in protected areas, such as animal burrows, to avoid low temperatures.

  • How long does a flea live?

    The average lifespan of an adult flea ranges from several weeks to several months, depending on environmental conditions and food availability.

  • Can fleas jump from one pet to another?

    Yes, fleas have the ability to jump from one pet to another. They can also jump from animals to humans and vice versa.

  • Si bien las pulgas prefieren hospedarse en animales, en ausencia de mascotas, las pulgas pueden infestar a los seres humanos y sobrevivir  alimentándose de su sangre.

  • How can I tell if my house is infested with fleas?

    Signs of a flea infestation in the home include itching on family members, small red bites on the legs, and the presence of jumping fleas or traces of flea feces in affected areas.

  • How long does it take to eliminate a flea infestation at home?

    The duration to eliminate a flea infestation at home can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the control measures applied. A comprehensive approach that includes pet treatment, thorough cleaning, and application of professional treatments is usually required to ensure complete eradication.

Remember that if you have more questions or need additional assistance, you can always contact pest control professionals specialized in fleas, such as Higienisa. We will be happy to provide personalized advice and specialist services in flea treatment and removal.

If you have a flea problem at home, in the garden or in the field, contact specialists.

At Higienisa we are experts in treatments and services to eliminate fleas.


Our treatments to eliminate fleas

Eliminar pulgas en jardín o parcela

Treatment to eliminate fleas in public or private plots.

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Spray fleas

Fumigate fleas by a company specialized in flea pest control.

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Flea treatment

Flea treatment. We know how to get rid of flea infestations.

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