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Treatment against pine processionary: endotherapy

We know how to eliminate the pine processionary, caterpillars and pockets

How to kill and eliminate the pine processionary?

Like so many other pests, the key factor to carry out good control and effective treatment against the processionary is to know the biological cycle of the insect. That's why we know that from September to November is when we have to start controlling this pest. At these times, the butterfly has already placed its eggs in the needles of the pine trees to begin its complete biological cycle. The ideal time to carry out the endotherapy treatment against the processionary is from the month of September, when the caterpillars are small and weak and we can eliminate them more easily. For this we use endotherapy, which is a system that does not harm the environment, as if a treatment to fumigate pine trees could be. If we delay the treatment against the processionary (endotherapy) until we see the pockets hanging from the pine trees, the caterpillars will already be very strong and large, making them more difficult to eliminate. That's why we warn you not to wait to see the processionary bags in the pines.
tratamiento contra procesionaria
Treatment against pine processionary (endotherapy): Thaumetopoea Pityocampa

New endotherapy system against pine processionary

How does endotherapy treatment against processionaria work?

We install a device that injects its content into the vascular system of the pine, achieving a more effective and homogeneous distribution and action of the product inside. The product is discharged and absorbed by the pine in less than 3 hours. The processionary caterpillars, in their larval phase, ingest the product directly from the pine needles, causing them to die when they are weaker.

The endotherapy system against processionary is composed of:

Connector Pressurized bottle that is injected into the pine trunk.
tratamiento endoterapia

Advantages of endotherapy over spray treatment

Más fácil

It is a treatment against the processionary where we do not need vats or cranes to reach the upper parts of the pine.

More flexible

La endoterapia del pino es un tratamiento que se puede realizar en cualquier momento. No hay que preocuparse de las lluvias y del viento para su realización.

More sustainable

Pine endotherapy is a treatment that prevents exposure to chemicals and safety periods in the treated areas to people and animals.

More effective

The endotherapy treatment of pine attacks the caterpillar when it is small and weaker, making its elimination easier.

Más duradero

Endotherapy protects the pine for a longer time since the content we inject remains inside.

More savings

Treatment against pine processionary by endotherapy increases the persistence and duration of the product, avoiding maintenance with its respective costs: water, energy and labor.

What is the best treatment against processionary? Endotherapy treatment or spray treatment

Advantages and disadvantages of endotherapy treatments against processionary and treatments to eliminate processionary by spraying.

Endotherapy Treatment Spray Treatment
Weather conditions do not affect its installation Weather conditions on the day of treatment are not affected. It cannot be done if there is a forecast of rain or wind
Once the endotherapy is performed, rain has no influence. If it rains, the treatment does not have to be repeated, with the consequent savings Once the pine is sprayed, the rain does have an influence. IF this happens, the product is withdrawn and a new treatment is necessary, with its respective costs.
The height of the pines does not influence. The vascular system transports the product to the entire tree and does not require the rental of elevators. The height of the pines does influence. For a good spray treatment on pine trees taller than 9 meters, a lift or crane/basket must be rented.
People and pets do not have to respect safety deadlines in areas treated with endotherapy
Does not prevent chemical exposure to any beneficial insects or animals by perching on its branches

Request a quote without obligation to eliminate the pine processionary. We are experts in treatments against processionaria by endotherapy

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