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Tratamientos para eliminar las avispas

Hygienisa, your company to eliminate and fumigate wasps

Wasps: be careful with their stings

Company of experts in eliminating wasps:

The temperatures that accompany us are higher and we spend more time outdoors with the children: in our gardens, at the barbecue and in the swimming pools. Unfortunately, wasps also like these places and these temperatures. Now is when they start to be seen more everywhere.

Therefore, we have to prevent their presence since, in addition to being very annoying, their bites can cause serious damage if we are allergic.

Below, we give you some tips and measures that minimize the presence of wasps:


    Cover cracks and holes in walls and walls. Also, try to seal the gaps between the tiles. These are the preferred places for wasps to build their nests.


    Eliminate from our garden and surroundings the remains of dry wood such as trees, remains of pruning, firewood and similar, as well as remains of paper, cardboard and materials with cellulose. Wasps use them to make wasps nests.


  • No dejar recipientes con agua a su alcance como platos de los maceteros, bebederos de los perros, etc.


    The water that remains on the ground, when leaving or entering the pool or when splashed, attracts them a lot.


    Avoid leaving food scraps within reach, especially meat or fish proteins, as well as sweet things. Dog or cat food also attracts wasps.


    Do not wear strong perfumes, as they act as an attractant to wasps.


    Avoid wearing bright colors so as not to attract them. Also in the garden with awnings and umbrellas.


  • Retirar lo más rápidamente posible del jardín o inmediaciones los excrementos de perros y gatos. 


    Dead snails, stepped on or treated with metaldehyde, attract wasps in summer.


    Eliminating other annoying insects such as flies, ants, spiders, etc. The population of wasps also decreases, since they are part of their food.


Don't risk it! If you have wasps, contact us. We are experts in treatments to eliminate wasps and wasps nests.

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